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Event-by-event hybrid model for the description of relativistic heavy-ion collisions in the low and high baryon-density regime. This model constitutes a chain of different submodules to appropriately describe each phase of the collision with its corresponding degrees of freedom. It consists of the following modules:

🌪   SMASH hadronic transport approach to provide the initial conditions

💧   vHLLE 3+1D viscous hydrodynamics approach to describe the evolution of the hot and dense fireball

  CORNELIUS tool to construct a hypersurface of constant energy density from the hydrodynamical evolution (embedded in vHLLE)

🌱   Sampler to perform Cooper-Frye particlization of the elements on the freezeout hypersurface

🔥   SMASH hadronic transport approach to perform the afterburner evolution

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If you are using the SMASH-vHLLE-hybrid, please cite Eur.Phys.J.A 58(2022)11,230. You may also consult this reference for further details about the hybrid approach.