Source code for BaseLoader

# ===================================================
#    Copyright (c) 2024
#      SPARKX Team
#    GNU General Public License (GPLv3 or later)
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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Any, TextIO

[docs] class BaseLoader(ABC): """ Abstract base class for all loader classes. This class provides a common interface for all loader classes. Loader classes are responsible for loading data from a file. Attributes ---------- None Methods ------- __init__(self, path): Abstract constructor method that must be implemented by any concrete (i.e., non-abstract) subclass. load(self, **kwargs): Abstract method intended to be used to load data from the file specified in the constructor. _check_that_tuple_contains_integers_only(self, events_tuple): Checks if all elements inside the event tuple are integers. _skip_lines(self, fname): Skips the initial header and comment lines in a file. """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self, path: str) -> None: """ Abstract constructor method. Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the file to be loaded. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def load(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """ Abstract method for loading data. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If this method is not overridden in a concrete subclass. """ raise NotImplementedError("load method is not implemented")
def _check_that_tuple_contains_integers_only( self, events_tuple: Tuple[int, ...] ) -> None: """ Checks if all elements inside the event tuple are integers. Parameters ---------- events_tuple : tuple Tuple containing event boundary events for read in. Raises ------ TypeError If one or more elements inside the event tuple are not integers. """ if not all(isinstance(event, int) for event in events_tuple): raise TypeError( "All elements inside the event tuple must be integers." ) def _get_num_skip_lines(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of lines to skip in the file. Returns ------- int The number of lines to skip in the file. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method is not implemented") def _skip_lines(self, fname: TextIO) -> None: """ Skips the initial header and comment lines in a file. Once a file is opened with :code:`open()`, this method skips the initial header and comment lines such that the first line called with :code:`fname.readline()` is the first particle in the first event. Parameters ---------- fname : variable name Name of the variable for the file opened with the :code:`open()` command. """ num_skip = self._get_num_skip_lines() for i in range(0, num_skip): fname.readline()