Source code for CentralityClasses

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#    Copyright (c) 2023-2024
#      SPARKX Team
#    GNU General Public License (GPLv3 or later)
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import numpy as np
import warnings
from typing import List, Union

[docs] class CentralityClasses: """ Class for defining centrality classes based on event multiplicity. Parameters ---------- events_multiplicity : list or numpy.ndarray List or array containing the multiplicity values for each event. centrality_bins : list or numpy.ndarray List or array defining the boundaries of centrality classes as percentages. Raises ------ TypeError If `events_multiplicity` or `centrality_bins` is not a list or numpy.ndarray. Attributes ---------- events_multiplicity_ : list or numpy.ndarray Stores the input multiplicity values for each event. centrality_bins_ : list or numpy.ndarray Stores the input boundaries of centrality classes. dNchdetaMin_ : list Minimum values of multiplicity for each centrality class. dNchdetaMax_ : list Maximum values of multiplicity for each centrality class. dNchdetaAvg_ : list Average values of multiplicity for each centrality class. dNchdetaAvgErr_ : list Average errors of multiplicity for each centrality class. Methods ------- get_centrality_class: Return the index of the centrality bin for a given multiplicity value. output_centrality_classes: Write centrality class information to a file. Examples -------- .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> centrality_obj = CentralityClasses(events_multiplicity=[10, 15, 20, 25], ... centrality_bins=[0, 25, 50, 75, 100]) >>> centrality_obj.get_centrality_class(18) 1 >>> centrality_obj.output_centrality_classes('centrality_output.txt') """ def __init__(self, events_multiplicity: Union[List[float], np.ndarray], centrality_bins: Union[List[float], np.ndarray]) -> None: if not isinstance(events_multiplicity, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError( "'events_multiplicity' is not list or numpy.ndarray") if not isinstance(centrality_bins, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError("'centrality_bins' is not list or numpy.ndarray") # Check if centrality_bins is sorted if not all(centrality_bins[i] <= centrality_bins[i + 1] for i in range(len(centrality_bins) - 1)): warnings.warn( "'centrality_bins' is not sorted. Sorting automatically.") centrality_bins.sort() # Check for uniqueness of values # Remove duplicates from the list unique_bins = [] seen = set() multiple_same_entries = False for item in centrality_bins: if item not in seen: unique_bins.append(item) seen.add(item) else: multiple_same_entries = True if multiple_same_entries: warnings.warn( "'centrality_bins' contains duplicate values. They are removed automatically.") # Check for negative values and values greater than 100 if any(value < 0.0 or value > 100.0 for value in centrality_bins): raise ValueError( "'centrality_bins' contains values less than 0 or greater than 100.") self.events_multiplicity_ = events_multiplicity self.centrality_bins_ = unique_bins self.dNchdetaMin_: list[float] = [] self.dNchdetaMax_: list[float] = [] self.dNchdetaAvg_: list[float] = [] self.dNchdetaAvgErr_: list[float] = [] self.__create_centrality_classes() def __create_centrality_classes(self) -> None: """ Create centrality classes based on event multiplicity. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None Raises ------ ValueError If the number of events is less than 4. If the multiplicity in 'events_multiplicity' is negative. Notes ----- This function creates four sub-samples for error determination based on the event multiplicity. The numbers are distributed evenly to the four sub-samples, which are then sorted in descending order. The averages and errors are calculated for each sub-sample. Finally, the events are sorted by multiplicity, and boundaries of centrality classes are determined. """ number_events = len(self.events_multiplicity_) if number_events < 4: raise ValueError("The number of events has to be larger than 4") # create four sub samples for the error determination event_sample_A = [] event_sample_B = [] event_sample_C = [] event_sample_D = [] # distribute the numbers evenly for i, multiplicity in enumerate(self.events_multiplicity_): if (multiplicity < 0): raise ValueError( "Multiplicity in 'events_multiplicity' is negative") if i % 4 == 0: event_sample_A.append(multiplicity) elif i % 4 == 1: event_sample_B.append(multiplicity) elif i % 4 == 2: event_sample_C.append(multiplicity) elif i % 4 == 3: event_sample_D.append(multiplicity) event_sample_A = sorted(event_sample_A, reverse=True) event_sample_B = sorted(event_sample_B, reverse=True) event_sample_C = sorted(event_sample_C, reverse=True) event_sample_D = sorted(event_sample_D, reverse=True) MinRecord = int(number_events / 4 * self.centrality_bins_[0] / 100.0) for i in range(1, len(self.centrality_bins_)): MaxRecord = int( number_events / 4 * self.centrality_bins_[i] / 100.0) AvgA = np.mean(event_sample_A[MinRecord:MaxRecord]) AvgB = np.mean(event_sample_B[MinRecord:MaxRecord]) AvgC = np.mean(event_sample_C[MinRecord:MaxRecord]) AvgD = np.mean(event_sample_D[MinRecord:MaxRecord]) Avg = (AvgA + AvgB + AvgC + AvgD) / 4.0 Err = np.sqrt(((AvgA - Avg)**2 + (AvgB - Avg)**2 + (AvgC - Avg)**2 + (AvgD - Avg)**2) / 3.0) self.dNchdetaAvg_.append(Avg) self.dNchdetaAvgErr_.append(Err) MinRecord = MaxRecord # sort events by multiplicity and determine boundaries of centrality # classes global_event_record = sorted(self.events_multiplicity_, reverse=True) MinRecord = int(number_events * self.centrality_bins_[0] / 100.0) for i in range(1, len(self.centrality_bins_)): MaxRecord = int(number_events * self.centrality_bins_[i] / 100.0) self.dNchdetaMax_.append(global_event_record[MinRecord]) self.dNchdetaMin_.append(global_event_record[MaxRecord - 1]) MinRecord = MaxRecord
[docs] def get_centrality_class(self, dNchdEta: float) -> int: """ This function determines the index of the centrality bin for a given multiplicity value based on the predefined centrality classes. Parameters ---------- dNchdEta : float Multiplicity value. Returns ------- int Index of the centrality bin. Examples -------- .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> centrality_obj = CentralityClasses(events_multiplicity=[10, 15, 20, 25], ... centrality_bins=[0, 25, 50, 75, 100]) >>> centrality_obj.get_centrality_class(18) 1 """ # check if the multiplicity is in the most central bin if dNchdEta >= self.dNchdetaMin_[0]: return 0 # check if the multiplicity is in the most peripheral bin elif dNchdEta < self.dNchdetaMin_[len(self.dNchdetaMin_) - 2]: return len(self.dNchdetaMin_) - 1 # check if the multiplicity is in one of the intermediate bins else: for i in range(1, len(self.dNchdetaMin_) - 1): if (dNchdEta >= self.dNchdetaMin_[i]) and ( dNchdEta < self.dNchdetaMin_[i - 1]): return i # default case to satisfy mypy's requirement for a return statement return -1
[docs] def output_centrality_classes(self, fname: str) -> None: """ Write centrality class information to a file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Name of the output file. Raises ------ TypeError If `fname` is not a string. Examples -------- .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> centrality_obj = CentralityClasses(events_multiplicity=[10, 15, 20, 25], ... centrality_bins=[0, 25, 50, 75, 100]) >>> centrality_obj.output_centrality_classes('centrality_output.txt') Notes ----- This function writes the centrality class information, including minimum, maximum, average multiplicities, and average errors, to the specified file. """ # Check if fname is a string if not isinstance(fname, str): raise TypeError("'fname' should be a string.") # Write the information to the file with open(fname, 'w') as out_stream: out_stream.write( "# CentralityMin CentralityMax dNchdEtaMin dNchdEtaMax dNchdEtaAvg dNchdEtaAvgErr\n") for i in range(1, len(self.dNchdetaMin_)): out_stream.write( f"{self.centrality_bins_[i - 1]} - {self.centrality_bins_[i]} " f"{self.dNchdetaMin_[i - 1]} {self.dNchdetaMax_[i - 1]} " f"{self.dNchdetaAvg_[i - 1]} {self.dNchdetaAvgErr_[i - 1]}\n")