Source code for GenerateFlow

# ===================================================
#    Copyright (c) 2023-2024
#      SPARKX Team
#    GNU General Public License (GPLv3 or later)
# ===================================================

import numpy as np
import random as rd
from typing import Dict, List

[docs] class GenerateFlow: """ Generate particle data with anisotropic flow for testing. This class generates particle lists in JETSCAPE or OSCAR output format to test the correct implementation of flow analysis routines. Attributes ---------- n_: Type of flow harmonics. vn_: Value of the flow harmonics. phi_: List containing the azimuths of the particles. px_: Particle momenta in x-direction. py_: Particle momenta in y-direction. pz_: Particle momenta in z-direction. Methods ------- generate_dummy_JETSCAPE_file: Generate a dummy JETSCAPE file with random particle momenta resulting in the same flow for all transverse momenta. generate_dummy_JETSCAPE_file_realistic_pT_shape: Generate a dummy JETSCAPE file with particles having flow with a more realistic transverse momentum distribution. generate_dummy_JETSCAPE_file_multi_particle_correlations: Generate a dummy JETSCAPE file with random particle momenta resulting in the same flow for all transverse momenta. With this function multi-particle correlations can be introduced. generate_dummy_JETSCAPE_file_realistic_pT_shape_multi_particle_correlations: Generate a dummy JETSCAPE file with particles having flow with a more realistic transverse momentum distribution. With this function multi-particle correlations can be introduced. generate_dummy_OSCAR_file: Generate dummy flow data in OSCAR format. generate_dummy_OSCAR_file_realistic_pT_shape: Generate a dummy OSCAR2013 file with particles having flow with a more realistic transverse momentum distribution. generate_dummy_OSCAR_file_multi_particle_correlations: Generate a dummy OSCAR2013 file with random particle momenta resulting in the same flow for all transverse momenta. With this function multi-particle correlations can be introduced. generate_dummy_OSCAR_file_realistic_pT_shape_multi_particle_correlations: Generate a dummy OSCAR2013 file with particles having flow with a more realistic transverse momentum distribution. With this function multi-particle correlations can be introduced. Examples -------- To use the class the GenerateFlow object has to be created with the desired anisotropic flow harmonics and then a dummy data file can be created: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> from sparkx.flow.GenerateFlow import GenerateFlow >>> >>> flow_object = GenerateFlow(v2=0.06, v3=0.02, v4=0.03) >>> number_events = 100 >>> event_multiplicity = 10000 >>> random_seed = 42 >>> flow_object.generate_dummy_JETSCAPE_file(path_to_output,number_events,event_multiplicity,random_seed) Notes ----- If you use the :py:meth:`generate_dummy_JETSCAPE_file_realistic_pT_shape` or :py:meth:`generate_dummy_OSCAR_file_realistic_pT_shape` keep in mind, that the flow values given during construction are used for the saturation value of the flow at large transverse momentum. They do **not** reflect the value of the integrated flow. The implemented method for the more realistic transverse momentum profile is taken from Nicolas Borghini implemented in this `event generator <>`__. """ def __init__(self, *vn: float, **vn_kwargs: float) -> None: self.n_: np.ndarray = np.array([]) self.vn_: np.ndarray = np.array([]) if not vn and not vn_kwargs: self.n_ = self.vn_ = np.array([]) else: try: vn_dictionary: Dict[int, float] = { int(kw.lstrip("v")): val for kw, val in vn_kwargs.items() } except ValueError: raise TypeError( "Input must have the form of a dictionary with 'vN' " "where N is an integer." ) vn_dictionary.update( (k, v) for k, v in enumerate(vn, start=2) if v is not None and v != 0.0 ) self.n_ = np.fromiter( vn_dictionary.keys(), dtype=int, count=len(vn_dictionary) ) self.vn_ = np.fromiter( vn_dictionary.values(), dtype=float, count=len(vn_dictionary) ) self.phi_: List[float] = [] self.px_: List[float] = [] self.py_: List[float] = [] self.pz_: List[float] = [] def __distribution_function(self, phi: float) -> float: """ Calculate the distribution function value for a given angle. Parameters ---------- phi: float The azimuthal angle. Returns ------- float The value of the distribution function at the given angle. Notes ----- - This method calculates the value of the distribution function based on the harmonic components (vn) and angles (phi). """ f = 1.0 / (2.0 * np.pi) f_harmonic = 1.0 for term in range(len(self.n_)): f_harmonic += 2.0 * self.vn_[term] * np.cos(self.n_[term] * phi) return f * f_harmonic def __sample_angles(self, multiplicity: int) -> None: """ Sample angles for a given multiplicity according to a given distribution. Parameters ---------- multiplicity: int The number of angles to sample. Returns ------- None """ f_max = (1.0 + 2.0 * self.vn_.sum()) / (2.0 * np.pi) phi: List[float] = [] while len(phi) < multiplicity: random_phi = rd.uniform(0.0, 2.0 * np.pi) random_dist_val = rd.uniform(0.0, f_max) if random_dist_val <= self.__distribution_function(random_phi): phi.append(random_phi) self.phi_ = phi def __thermal_distribution(self, temperature: float, mass: float) -> float: """ Calculate the momentum magnitude from a thermal distribution. Parameters ---------- temperature: float The temperature of the system. mass: float The mass of the particles. Returns ------- momentum_radial: float The magnitude of the momentum. """ momentum_radial = 0.0 energy = 0.0 if temperature > 0.6 * mass: while True: rand_values = [rd.uniform(0.0, 1.0) for _ in range(3)] if all(rand_values): rand_a, rand_b, rand_c = rand_values momentum_radial = temperature * (rand_a + rand_b + rand_c) energy = np.sqrt(momentum_radial**2.0 + mass**2.0) if rd.uniform(0.0, 1.0) < np.exp( (momentum_radial - energy) / temperature ): break else: while True: r0 = rd.uniform(0.0, 1.0) I1 = mass**2.0 I2 = 2.0 * mass * temperature I3 = 2.0 * temperature**2.0 Itot = I1 + I2 + I3 K = 0.0 if r0 < I1 / Itot: r1 = rd.uniform(0.0, 1.0) if r1 != 0.0: K = -temperature * np.log(r1) elif r0 < (I1 + I2) / Itot: r1, r2 = rd.uniform(0.0, 1.0), rd.uniform(0.0, 1.0) if r1 != 0.0 and r2 != 0.0: K = -temperature * np.log(r1 * r2) else: r1, r2, r3 = ( rd.uniform(0.0, 1.0), rd.uniform(0.0, 1.0), rd.uniform(0.0, 1.0), ) if r1 != 0.0 and r2 != 0.0 and r3 != 0.0: K = -temperature * np.log(r1 * r2 * r3) energy = K + mass momentum_radial = np.sqrt((energy + mass) * (energy - mass)) if rd.uniform(0.0, 1.0) < momentum_radial / energy: break return momentum_radial def __sample_momenta_thermal( self, multiplicity: int, temperature: float, mass: float ) -> None: """ Sample momenta for a given multiplicity, temperature, and mass from a thermal distribution function. Parameters ---------- multiplicity: int The number of particles to sample. temperature: float The temperature of the system. mass: float The mass of the particles. Returns ------- None """ p_abs = [ self.__thermal_distribution(temperature, mass) for _ in range(multiplicity) ] # compute the directions azimuths = [self.phi_[p] for p in range(len(p_abs))] costheta_values = [rd.uniform(-1.0, 1.0) for _ in range(len(p_abs))] polar_values = np.arccos(costheta_values) # convert to cartesian px = [ p_abs[p] * np.sin(polar_values[p]) * np.cos(azimuths[p]) for p in range(len(p_abs)) ] py = [ p_abs[p] * np.sin(polar_values[p]) * np.sin(azimuths[p]) for p in range(len(p_abs)) ] pz = [p_abs[p] * np.cos(polar_values[p]) for p in range(len(p_abs))] self.px_ = px self.py_ = py self.pz_ = pz def __artificial_pT_distribution( self, pT: float, pTmin: float, pT0: float, pT1: float, T0: float ) -> float: """ Calculate the artificial pT distribution. Parameters ---------- pT : float Transverse momentum. pTmin : float Minimum transverse momentum. pT0 : float Lower threshold for the flat region. pT1 : float Cutoff transverse momentum. T0 : float Inverse slope parameter. Returns ------- float The value of the artificial transverse momentum distribution. Notes ----- This function gives the transverse-momentum distribution, following a simple functional shape: - dN/dpT is flat for 0 < pT < pT0. - Decreases exponentially (with inverse slope parameter T0) for pT0 < pT < pT1. - Decreases with an inverse power-law for pT > pT1. Momenta (pT, pT0...) are given in GeV. """ value = 0.0 if pT < pTmin: value = 0.0 elif pT <= pT0: value = 1.0 elif pT <= pT1: value = np.exp(-(pT - pT0) / T0) else: value = np.exp(-(pT1 - pT0) / T0) * (pT1 / pT) ** 7 return value def __artificial_flow_pT_shape( self, pT: float, pT0_bis: float, pT_sat: float, vn_sat: float ) -> float: """ Calculate the artificial flow pT shape. Parameters ---------- pT : float Transverse momentum. pT0 : float Lower threshold for the quadratic rise. pT_sat : float Saturation point for the quadratic rise. vn_sat : float Saturation value. Returns ------- float The value of the artificial flow pT shape. Notes ----- This function mimics the shape measured at RHIC: - Quadratic rise for 0 < pT < pT0. - Linear rise for pT0 < pT < pT_sat - pT0. - Quadratic rise again for pT_sat - pT0 < pT < pT_sat. - Constant value vn_sat for pT > pT_sat. """ value = 0.0 vn_pT0_bis = 0.5 * vn_sat * pT0_bis / (pT_sat - pT0_bis) if pT < pT0_bis: value = (pT / pT0_bis) ** 2.0 * vn_pT0_bis elif pT < (pT_sat - pT0_bis): value = (vn_sat - 2.0 * vn_pT0_bis) * (pT - pT0_bis) / ( pT_sat - 2.0 * pT0_bis ) + vn_pT0_bis elif pT < pT_sat: value = vn_sat - ((pT - pT_sat) / pT0_bis) ** 2.0 * vn_pT0_bis else: value = vn_sat return value def __distribution_function_pT_differential( self, phi: float, vn_pT_list: List[float] ) -> float: """ Calculates the pT-differential distribution function for a given azimuthal angle. Parameters ---------- phi : float The azimuthal angle at which to calculate the distribution function. vn_pT_list : list A list of flow harmonics vn for different transverse momenta pT. Returns ------- float The calculated pT-differential distribution function value. """ f_harmonic = 1.0 f_norm = 1.0 for term in range(len(self.n_)): f_harmonic += 2.0 * vn_pT_list[term] * np.cos(self.n_[term] * phi) f_norm += 2.0 * np.abs(vn_pT_list[term]) return f_harmonic / f_norm def __create_k_particle_correlations( self, multiplicity: int, k_particle_correlation: int, correlation_fraction: float, ) -> None: """ Generate momentum components with k-particle correlations. Parameters ---------- multiplicity : int The desired multiplicity of the event. k_particle_correlation : int The number of particles to be correlated. correlation_fraction : float The fraction of particles to be correlated. Returns ------- None Updates the internal arrays (px_, py_, pz_) with the generated correlated momenta. """ px: List[float] = [] py: List[float] = [] pz: List[float] = [] idx = 0 while len(px) <= multiplicity: if rd.random() <= correlation_fraction: for k in range(k_particle_correlation): px.append(self.px_[idx]) py.append(self.py_[idx]) pz.append(self.pz_[idx]) idx += 1 else: px.append(self.px_[idx]) py.append(self.py_[idx]) pz.append(self.pz_[idx]) idx += 1 self.px_ = px self.py_ = py self.pz_ = pz def __generate_flow_realistic_pT_distribution( self, multiplicity: int, reaction_plane_angle: float ) -> None: pTmax = 4.5 pTmin = 0.1 pT0 = 0.5 pT1 = 3.0 T0 = 0.6 pT0_bis = 0.1 pT_sat = 1.5 for particle in range(multiplicity): pT_chosen = 0.0 need_momentum = True while need_momentum: pT = rd.random() * pTmax if rd.random() < self.__artificial_pT_distribution( pT, pTmin, pT0, pT1, T0 ): pT_chosen = pT need_momentum = False vn_pT_list = [] for harmonic in range(len(self.n_)): vn_pT_list.append( self.__artificial_flow_pT_shape( pT, pT0_bis, pT_sat, self.vn_[harmonic] ) ) phi_chosen = 0.0 need_angle = True while need_angle: phi = 2.0 * np.pi * rd.random() if rd.random() < self.__distribution_function_pT_differential( phi, vn_pT_list ): phi_chosen = phi need_angle = False if reaction_plane_angle != 0.0: phi_chosen += reaction_plane_angle if phi_chosen > 2.0 * np.pi: phi_chosen -= 2.0 * np.pi # convert to cartesian self.px_.append(pT_chosen * np.cos(phi_chosen)) self.py_.append(pT_chosen * np.sin(phi_chosen)) self.pz_.append(rd.uniform(-1, 1) * pTmax)
[docs] def generate_dummy_JETSCAPE_file( self, output_path: str, number_events: int, multiplicity: int, seed: int ) -> None: """ Generate a dummy JETSCAPE file with random particle momenta resulting in the same flow for all transverse momenta. For simplicity we generate :math:`\\pi^+` particles with a mass of :math:`m_{\\pi^+}=0.138` GeV from a thermal distribution with a temperature of :math:`T=0.140` GeV. Parameters ---------- output_path: str The output file path. number_events: int The number of events to generate. multiplicity: int The number of particles per event. seed: int The random seed for reproducibility. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(output_path, str): raise TypeError("'output_path' is not a str") if not isinstance(number_events, int): raise TypeError("'number_events' is not int") if not isinstance(multiplicity, int): raise TypeError("'multiplicity' is not int") if not isinstance(seed, int): raise TypeError("'seed' is not int") if number_events < 1 or multiplicity < 1: raise ValueError( "'number_events' and/or 'multiplicity' must be larger than 0" ) rd.seed(seed) temperature = 0.140 mass = 0.138 pdg = 211 status = 27 with open(output_path, "w") as output: output.write( "# JETSCAPE_FINAL_STATE v2 | N pid status E Px Py Pz\n" ) for event in range(number_events): self.__sample_angles(multiplicity) self.__sample_momenta_thermal(multiplicity, temperature, mass) output.write( f"# Event {event + 1} weight 1 EPangle 0 N_hadrons {multiplicity}\n" ) for particle in range(multiplicity): energy = np.sqrt( self.px_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.py_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.pz_[particle] ** 2.0 + mass**2.0 ) output.write( "%d %d %d %g %g %g %g\n" % ( particle, pdg, status, energy, self.px_[particle], self.py_[particle], self.pz_[particle], ) ) self.px_.clear() self.py_.clear() self.pz_.clear() output.write("# sigmaGen 0.0 sigmaErr 0.0")
[docs] def generate_dummy_JETSCAPE_file_realistic_pT_shape( self, output_path: str, number_events: int, multiplicity: int, seed: int, random_reaction_plane: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Generate a dummy JETSCAPE file with particles having flow with a more realistic transverse momentum distribution. For more details on the chosen parameters have a look at the source code. Parameters ---------- output_path: str The output file path. number_events: int The number of events to generate. multiplicity: int The number of particles per event. seed: int The random seed for reproducibility. random_reaction_plane: bool Switch for random reaction plane angle. Default is `True`. Should be switched off for testing ReactionPlaneFlow. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(output_path, str): raise TypeError("'output_path' is not a str") if not isinstance(number_events, int): raise TypeError("'number_events' is not int") if not isinstance(multiplicity, int): raise TypeError("'multiplicity' is not int") if not isinstance(seed, int): raise TypeError("'seed' is not int") if number_events < 1 or multiplicity < 1: raise ValueError( "'number_events' and/or 'multiplicity' must be larger than 0" ) rd.seed(seed) mass = 0.138 pdg = 211 status = 27 with open(output_path, "w") as output: output.write( "# JETSCAPE_FINAL_STATE v2 | N pid status E Px Py Pz\n" ) for event in range(number_events): if random_reaction_plane: reaction_plane_angle = 2.0 * np.pi * rd.random() else: reaction_plane_angle = 0.0 self.__generate_flow_realistic_pT_distribution( multiplicity, reaction_plane_angle ) output.write( f"# Event {event + 1} weight 1 EPangle 0 N_hadrons {multiplicity}\n" ) for particle in range(multiplicity): energy = np.sqrt( self.px_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.py_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.pz_[particle] ** 2.0 + mass**2.0 ) output.write( "%d %d %d %g %g %g %g\n" % ( particle, pdg, status, energy, self.px_[particle], self.py_[particle], self.pz_[particle], ) ) self.px_.clear() self.py_.clear() self.pz_.clear() output.write("# sigmaGen 0.0 sigmaErr 0.0")
[docs] def generate_dummy_JETSCAPE_file_multi_particle_correlations( self, output_path: str, number_events: int, multiplicity: int, seed: int, k_particle_correlation: int, correlation_fraction: float, ) -> None: """ Generate a dummy JETSCAPE file with random particle momenta resulting in the same flow for all transverse momenta. A fraction of k-particle correlations can be introduced. For simplicity we generate :math:`\\pi^+` particles with a mass of :math:`m_{\\pi^+}=0.138` GeV from a thermal distribution with a temperature of :math:`T=0.140` GeV. Parameters ---------- output_path: str The output file path. number_events: int The number of events to generate. multiplicity: int The number of particles per event. seed: int The random seed for reproducibility. k_particle_correlation: int The order of k-particle correlations. correlation_fraction: The fraction of correlated particles. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(output_path, str): raise TypeError("'output_path' is not a str") if not isinstance(number_events, int): raise TypeError("'number_events' is not int") if not isinstance(multiplicity, int): raise TypeError("'multiplicity' is not int") if not isinstance(seed, int): raise TypeError("'seed' is not int") if number_events < 1 or multiplicity < 1: raise ValueError( "'number_events' and/or 'multiplicity' must be larger than 0" ) if not isinstance(k_particle_correlation, int): raise TypeError("'k_particle_correlation' is not int") if not isinstance(correlation_fraction, float): raise TypeError("'correlation_fraction' is not float") if k_particle_correlation < 2: raise ValueError("'k_particle_correlation' must be at least 2") if correlation_fraction < 0.0 or correlation_fraction > 1.0: raise ValueError("'correlation_fraction' must be between 0 and 1") rd.seed(seed) temperature = 0.140 mass = 0.138 pdg = 211 status = 27 with open(output_path, "w") as output: output.write( "# JETSCAPE_FINAL_STATE v2 | N pid status E Px Py Pz\n" ) for event in range(number_events): self.__sample_angles(multiplicity) self.__sample_momenta_thermal(multiplicity, temperature, mass) self.__create_k_particle_correlations( multiplicity, k_particle_correlation, correlation_fraction ) output.write( f"# Event {event + 1} weight 1 EPangle 0 N_hadrons {multiplicity}\n" ) for particle in range(multiplicity): energy = np.sqrt( self.px_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.py_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.pz_[particle] ** 2.0 + mass**2.0 ) output.write( "%d %d %d %g %g %g %g\n" % ( particle, pdg, status, energy, self.px_[particle], self.py_[particle], self.pz_[particle], ) ) self.px_.clear() self.py_.clear() self.pz_.clear() output.write("# sigmaGen 0.0 sigmaErr 0.0")
[docs] def generate_dummy_JETSCAPE_file_realistic_pT_shape_multi_particle_correlations( self, output_path: str, number_events: int, multiplicity: int, seed: int, k_particle_correlation: int, correlation_fraction: float, random_reaction_plane: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Generate a dummy JETSCAPE file with particles having flow with a more realistic transverse momentum distribution. A fraction of k-particle correlations can be introduced. For more details on the chosen parameters have a look at the source code. Parameters ---------- output_path: str The output file path. number_events: int The number of events to generate. multiplicity: int The number of particles per event. seed: int The random seed for reproducibility. k_particle_correlation: int The order of k-particle correlations. correlation_fraction: The fraction of correlated particles. random_reaction_plane: bool Switch for random reaction plane angle. Default is `True`. Should be switched off for testing ReactionPlaneFlow. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(output_path, str): raise TypeError("'output_path' is not a str") if not isinstance(number_events, int): raise TypeError("'number_events' is not int") if not isinstance(multiplicity, int): raise TypeError("'multiplicity' is not int") if not isinstance(seed, int): raise TypeError("'seed' is not int") if number_events < 1 or multiplicity < 1: raise ValueError( "'number_events' and/or 'multiplicity' must be larger than 0" ) if not isinstance(k_particle_correlation, int): raise TypeError("'k_particle_correlation' is not int") if not isinstance(correlation_fraction, float): raise TypeError("'correlation_fraction' is not float") if k_particle_correlation < 2: raise ValueError("'k_particle_correlation' must be at least 2") if correlation_fraction < 0.0 or correlation_fraction > 1.0: raise ValueError("'correlation_fraction' must be between 0 and 1") rd.seed(seed) mass = 0.138 pdg = 211 status = 27 with open(output_path, "w") as output: output.write( "# JETSCAPE_FINAL_STATE v2 | N pid status E Px Py Pz\n" ) for event in range(number_events): if random_reaction_plane: reaction_plane_angle = 2.0 * np.pi * rd.random() else: reaction_plane_angle = 0.0 self.__generate_flow_realistic_pT_distribution( multiplicity, reaction_plane_angle ) self.__create_k_particle_correlations( multiplicity, k_particle_correlation, correlation_fraction ) output.write( f"# Event {event + 1} weight 1 EPangle 0 N_hadrons {multiplicity}\n" ) for particle in range(multiplicity): energy = np.sqrt( self.px_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.py_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.pz_[particle] ** 2.0 + mass**2.0 ) output.write( "%d %d %d %g %g %g %g\n" % ( particle, pdg, status, energy, self.px_[particle], self.py_[particle], self.pz_[particle], ) ) self.px_.clear() self.py_.clear() self.pz_.clear() output.write("# sigmaGen 0.0 sigmaErr 0.0")
[docs] def generate_dummy_OSCAR_file( self, output_path: str, number_events: int, multiplicity: int, seed: int ) -> None: """ Generate a dummy OSCAR2013 file with random particle momenta resulting in the same flow for all transverse momenta. For simplicity we generate :math:`\\pi^+` particles with a mass of :math:`m_{\\pi^+}=0.138` GeV from a thermal distribution with a temperature of :math:`T=0.140` GeV. Parameters ---------- output_path: str The output file path. number_events: int The number of events to generate. multiplicity: int The number of particles per event. seed: int The random seed for reproducibility. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(output_path, str): raise TypeError("'output_path' is not a str") if not isinstance(number_events, int): raise TypeError("'number_events' is not int") if not isinstance(multiplicity, int): raise TypeError("'multiplicity' is not int") if not isinstance(seed, int): raise TypeError("'seed' is not int") if number_events < 1 or multiplicity < 1: raise ValueError( "'number_events' and/or 'multiplicity' must be larger than 0" ) rd.seed(seed) temperature = 0.140 mass = 0.138 pdg = 211 with open(output_path, "w") as output: output.write( "#!OSCAR2013 particle_lists t x y z mass p0 px py pz pdg ID charge\n" ) output.write( "# Units: fm fm fm fm GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV none none e\n" ) output.write("# SMASH-2.2\n") for event in range(number_events): self.__sample_angles(multiplicity) self.__sample_momenta_thermal(multiplicity, temperature, mass) output.write(f"# event {event} out {multiplicity}\n") for particle in range(multiplicity): energy = np.sqrt( self.px_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.py_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.pz_[particle] ** 2.0 + mass**2.0 ) output.write( "%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %d %d %d\n" % ( 1, 1, 1, 1, mass, energy, self.px_[particle], self.py_[particle], self.pz_[particle], pdg, particle, 1, ) ) self.px_.clear() self.py_.clear() self.pz_.clear() output.write( f"# event {event} end 0 impact -1.000 scattering_projectile_target no\n" )
[docs] def generate_dummy_OSCAR_file_realistic_pT_shape( self, output_path: str, number_events: int, multiplicity: int, seed: int, random_reaction_plane: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Generate a dummy OSCAR2013 file with particles having flow with a more realistic transverse momentum distribution. For more details on the chosen parameters have a look at the source code. Parameters ---------- output_path: str The output file path. number_events: int The number of events to generate. multiplicity: int The number of particles per event. seed: int The random seed for reproducibility. random_reaction_plane: bool Switch for random reaction plane angle. Default is `True`. Should be switched off for testing ReactionPlaneFlow. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(output_path, str): raise TypeError("'output_path' is not a str") if not isinstance(number_events, int): raise TypeError("'number_events' is not int") if not isinstance(multiplicity, int): raise TypeError("'multiplicity' is not int") if not isinstance(seed, int): raise TypeError("'seed' is not int") if number_events < 1 or multiplicity < 1: raise ValueError( "'number_events' and/or 'multiplicity' must be larger than 0" ) rd.seed(seed) mass = 0.138 pdg = 211 with open(output_path, "w") as output: output.write( "#!OSCAR2013 particle_lists t x y z mass p0 px py pz pdg ID charge\n" ) output.write( "# Units: fm fm fm fm GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV none none e\n" ) output.write("# SMASH-2.2\n") for event in range(number_events): if random_reaction_plane: reaction_plane_angle = 2.0 * np.pi * rd.random() else: reaction_plane_angle = 0.0 self.__generate_flow_realistic_pT_distribution( multiplicity, reaction_plane_angle ) output.write(f"# event {event} out {multiplicity}\n") for particle in range(multiplicity): energy = np.sqrt( self.px_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.py_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.pz_[particle] ** 2.0 + mass**2.0 ) output.write( "%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %d %d %d\n" % ( 1, 1, 1, 1, mass, energy, self.px_[particle], self.py_[particle], self.pz_[particle], pdg, particle, 1, ) ) self.px_.clear() self.py_.clear() self.pz_.clear() output.write( f"# event {event} end 0 impact -1.000 scattering_projectile_target no\n" )
[docs] def generate_dummy_OSCAR_file_multi_particle_correlations( self, output_path: str, number_events: int, multiplicity: int, seed: int, k_particle_correlation: int, correlation_fraction: float, ) -> None: """ Generate a dummy OSCAR2013 file with random particle momenta resulting in the same flow for all transverse momenta. A fraction of k-particle correlations can be introduced. For simplicity we generate :math:`\\pi^+` particles with a mass of :math:`m_{\\pi^+}=0.138` GeV from a thermal distribution with a temperature of :math:`T=0.140` GeV. Parameters ---------- output_path: str The output file path. number_events: int The number of events to generate. multiplicity: int The number of particles per event. seed: int The random seed for reproducibility. k_particle_correlation: int The order of k-particle correlations. correlation_fraction: The fraction of correlated particles. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(output_path, str): raise TypeError("'output_path' is not a str") if not isinstance(number_events, int): raise TypeError("'number_events' is not int") if not isinstance(multiplicity, int): raise TypeError("'multiplicity' is not int") if not isinstance(seed, int): raise TypeError("'seed' is not int") if number_events < 1 or multiplicity < 1: raise ValueError( "'number_events' and/or 'multiplicity' must be larger than 0" ) if not isinstance(k_particle_correlation, int): raise TypeError("'k_particle_correlation' is not int") if not isinstance(correlation_fraction, float): raise TypeError("'correlation_fraction' is not float") if k_particle_correlation < 2: raise ValueError("'k_particle_correlation' must be at least 2") if correlation_fraction < 0.0 or correlation_fraction > 1.0: raise ValueError("'correlation_fraction' must be between 0 and 1") rd.seed(seed) temperature = 0.140 mass = 0.138 pdg = 211 with open(output_path, "w") as output: output.write( "#!OSCAR2013 particle_lists t x y z mass p0 px py pz pdg ID charge\n" ) output.write( "# Units: fm fm fm fm GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV none none e\n" ) output.write("# SMASH-2.2\n") for event in range(number_events): self.__sample_angles(multiplicity) self.__sample_momenta_thermal(multiplicity, temperature, mass) self.__create_k_particle_correlations( multiplicity, k_particle_correlation, correlation_fraction ) output.write(f"# event {event} out {multiplicity}\n") for particle in range(multiplicity): energy = np.sqrt( self.px_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.py_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.pz_[particle] ** 2.0 + mass**2.0 ) output.write( "%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %d %d %d\n" % ( 1, 1, 1, 1, mass, energy, self.px_[particle], self.py_[particle], self.pz_[particle], pdg, particle, 1, ) ) self.px_.clear() self.py_.clear() self.pz_.clear() output.write( f"# event {event} end 0 impact -1.000 scattering_projectile_target no\n" )
[docs] def generate_dummy_OSCAR_file_realistic_pT_shape_multi_particle_correlations( self, output_path: str, number_events: int, multiplicity: int, seed: int, k_particle_correlation: int, correlation_fraction: float, random_reaction_plane: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Generate a dummy OSCAR2013 file with particles having flow with a more realistic transverse momentum distribution. A fraction of k-particle correlations can be introduced. For more details on the chosen parameters have a look at the source code. Parameters ---------- output_path: str The output file path. number_events: int The number of events to generate. multiplicity: int The number of particles per event. seed: int The random seed for reproducibility. k_particle_correlation: int The order of k-particle correlations. correlation_fraction: The fraction of correlated particles. random_reaction_plane: bool Switch for random reaction plane angle. Default is `True`. Should be switched off for testing ReactionPlaneFlow. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(output_path, str): raise TypeError("'output_path' is not a str") if not isinstance(number_events, int): raise TypeError("'number_events' is not int") if not isinstance(multiplicity, int): raise TypeError("'multiplicity' is not int") if not isinstance(seed, int): raise TypeError("'seed' is not int") if number_events < 1 or multiplicity < 1: raise ValueError( "'number_events' and/or 'multiplicity' must be larger than 0" ) if not isinstance(k_particle_correlation, int): raise TypeError("'k_particle_correlation' is not int") if not isinstance(correlation_fraction, float): raise TypeError("'correlation_fraction' is not float") if k_particle_correlation < 2: raise ValueError("'k_particle_correlation' must be at least 2") if correlation_fraction < 0.0 or correlation_fraction > 1.0: raise ValueError("'correlation_fraction' must be between 0 and 1") rd.seed(seed) mass = 0.138 pdg = 211 with open(output_path, "w") as output: output.write( "#!OSCAR2013 particle_lists t x y z mass p0 px py pz pdg ID charge\n" ) output.write( "# Units: fm fm fm fm GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV none none e\n" ) output.write("# SMASH-2.2\n") for event in range(number_events): if random_reaction_plane: reaction_plane_angle = 2.0 * np.pi * rd.random() else: reaction_plane_angle = 0.0 self.__generate_flow_realistic_pT_distribution( multiplicity, reaction_plane_angle ) self.__create_k_particle_correlations( multiplicity, k_particle_correlation, correlation_fraction ) output.write(f"# event {event} out {multiplicity}\n") for particle in range(multiplicity): energy = np.sqrt( self.px_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.py_[particle] ** 2.0 + self.pz_[particle] ** 2.0 + mass**2.0 ) output.write( "%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %d %d %d\n" % ( 1, 1, 1, 1, mass, energy, self.px_[particle], self.py_[particle], self.pz_[particle], pdg, particle, 1, ) ) self.px_.clear() self.py_.clear() self.pz_.clear() output.write( f"# event {event} end 0 impact -1.000 scattering_projectile_target no\n" )