Source code for Oscar

# ===================================================
#    Copyright (c) 2023-2024
#      SPARKX Team
#    GNU General Public License (GPLv3 or later)
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from sparkx.Particle import Particle
from sparkx.Filter import *
import numpy as np
import os

[docs] class Oscar: """ Defines an Oscar object. The Oscar class contains a single .oscar file including all or only chosen events in either the Oscar2013 or Oscar2013Extended format. It's methods allow to directly act on all contained events as applying acceptance filters (e.g. un/charged particles, spectators/participants) to keep/remove particles by their PDG codes or to apply cuts (e.g. multiplicity, pseudo/rapidity, pT). Once these filters are applied, the new data set can be accessed as a 1) nested list containing all quantities of the Oscar format 2) list containing Particle objects from the Particle class or it may be printed to a file complying with the input format. .. note:: If filters are applied, be aware that not all cuts commute. Parameters ---------- OSCAR_FILE : str Path to Oscar file Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs : properties, optional kwargs are used to specify optional properties like a chunk reading and must be used like :code:`'property'='value'` where the possible properties are specified below. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 25 75 * - Property - Description * - :code:`events` (int) - From the input Oscar file load only a single event by |br| specifying :code:`events=i` where i is event number i. * - :code:`events` (tuple) - From the input Oscar file load only a range of events |br| given by the tuple :code:`(first_event, last_event)` |br| by specifying :code:`events=(first_event, last_event)` |br| where last_event is included. * - :code:`filters` (dict) - Apply filters on an event-by-event basis to directly filter the |br| particles after the read in of one event. This method saves |br| memory. The names of the filters are the same as the names of |br| the filter methods. All filters are applied in the order in |br| which they appear in the dictionary. .. |br| raw:: html <br /> Attributes ---------- PATH_OSCAR_ : str Path to the Oscar file oscar_format_ : str Input Oscar format "Oscar2013" or "Oscar2013Extended" (set automatically) num_output_per_event_ : numpy.array Array containing the event number and the number of particles in this event as num_output_per_event_[event i][num_output in event i] (updated when filters are applied) num_events_ : int Number of events contained in the Oscar object (updated when filters are applied) event_end_lines_ : list List containing all comment lines at the end of each event as str. Needed to print the Oscar object to a file. Methods ------- particle_list: Returns current Oscar data as nested list particle_objects_list: Returns current Oscar data as nested list of Particle objects num_events: Get number of events num_output_per_event: Get number of particles in each event oscar_format: Get Oscar format of the input file particle_species: Keep only particles with given PDG ids remove_particle_species: Remove particles with given PDG ids participants: Keep participants only spectators: Keep spectators only lower_event_energy_cut: Filters out events with total energy lower than a threshold. charged_particles: Keep charged particles only uncharged_particles: Keep uncharged particles only strange_particles: Keep strange particles only spacetime_cut: Apply spacetime cut to all particles pt_cut: Apply pT cut to all particles rapidity_cut: Apply rapidity cut to all particles pseudorapidity_cut: Apply pseudorapidity cut to all particles spatial_rapidity_cut: Apply spatial rapidity (space-time rapidity) cut to all particles multiplicity_cut: Apply multiplicity cut to all particles print_particle_lists_to_file: Print current particle data to file with same format Examples -------- **1. Initialization** To create an Oscar object, the path to the Oscar file has to be passed. By default the Oscar object will contain all events of the input file. If the Oscar object should only contain certain events, the keyword argument "events" must be used. .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> from sparkx.Oscar import Oscar >>> >>> OSCAR_FILE_PATH = [Oscar_directory]/particle_lists.oscar >>> >>> # Oscar object containing all events >>> oscar1 = Oscar(OSCAR_FILE_PATH) >>> >>> # Oscar object containing only the first event >>> oscar2 = Oscar(OSCAR_FILE_PATH, events=0) >>> >>> # Oscar object containing only events 2, 3, 4 and 5 >>> oscar3 = Oscar(OSCAR_FILE_PATH, events=(2,5)) **2. Method Usage** All methods that apply filters to the Oscar data return :code:`self`. This means that methods can be concatenated. To access the Oscar data as list to store it into a variable, the method :code:`particle_list()` or :code:`particle_objects_list` must be called in the end. Let's assume we only want to keep participant pions in events with a multiplicity > 500: >>> oscar = Oscar(OSCAR_FILE_PATH) >>> >>> pions = oscar.multiplicity_cut(500).participants().particle_species((211, -211, 111)) >>> >>> # save the pions of all events as nested list >>> pions_list = pions.particle_list() >>> >>> # save the pions as list of Particle objects >>> pions_particle_objects = pions.particle_objects_list() >>> >>> # print the pions to an oscar file >>> pions.print_particle_lists_to_file('./particle_lists.oscar') **3. Constructor cuts** Cuts can be performed directly in the constructor by passing a dictionary. This has the advantage that memory is saved because the cuts are applied after reading each single event. This is achieved by the keyword argument :code:`filters`, which contains the filter dictionary. Filters are applied in the order in which they appear. Let's assume we only want to keep participant pions in events with a multiplicity > 500: >>> oscar = Oscar(OSCAR_FILE_PATH, filters={'multiplicity_cut':500, 'participants':True, 'particle_species':(211, -211, 111)}) >>> >>> # print the pions to an oscar file >>> oscar.print_particle_lists_to_file('./particle_lists.oscar') Notes ----- If the :code:`filters` keyword with the :code:`spacetime_cut` is used, then a list specifying the dimension to be cut in the first entry and the tuple with the cut boundaries in the second entry is needed. For all other filters, the dictionary only needs the filter name as key and the filter argument as value. All filter functions without arguments need a :code:`True` in the dictionary. """ def __init__(self, OSCAR_FILE, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- OSCAR_FILE : TYPE DESCRIPTION. **kwargs : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Raises ------ TypeError DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- None """ if '.oscar' not in OSCAR_FILE: raise FileNotFoundError( 'Input file is not in the OSCAR format. Input ' 'file must have the ending .oscar') self.PATH_OSCAR_ = OSCAR_FILE self.oscar_format_ = None self.num_output_per_event_ = None self.num_events_ = None self.particle_list_ = None self.optional_arguments_ = kwargs self.event_end_lines_ = [] for keys in self.optional_arguments_.keys(): if keys not in ['events', 'filters']: raise ValueError('Unknown keyword argument used in constructor') if 'events' in self.optional_arguments_.keys() and isinstance( self.optional_arguments_['events'], tuple): self.__check_that_tuple_contains_integers_only( self.optional_arguments_['events']) if self.optional_arguments_[ 'events'][0] > self.optional_arguments_['events'][1]: raise ValueError( 'First value of event number tuple must be smaller than second value') elif self.optional_arguments_['events'][0] < 0 or self.optional_arguments_['events'][1] < 0: raise ValueError('Event numbers must be positive') elif 'events' in self.optional_arguments_.keys() and isinstance(self.optional_arguments_['events'], int): if self.optional_arguments_['events'] < 0: raise ValueError('Event number must be positive') self.set_oscar_format() self.set_num_events() self.set_num_output_per_event_and_event_footers() self.set_particle_list(kwargs) # PRIVATE CLASS METHODS def __check_that_tuple_contains_integers_only(self, events_tuple): """ Check if all elements inside the event tuple are integers. Parameters ---------- events_tuple : tuple Tuple containing event boundary events for read in. Raises ------ TypeError If one or more elements inside the event tuple are not integers. """ if not all(isinstance(event, int) for event in events_tuple): raise TypeError( "All elements inside the event tuple must be integers.") def __get_num_skip_lines(self): """ Get number of initial lines in Oscar file that are header or comment lines and need to be skipped in order to read the particle output. Returns ------- skip_lines : int Number of initial lines before data. """ if not self.optional_arguments_ or 'events' not in self.optional_arguments_.keys(): skip_lines = 3 elif isinstance(self.optional_arguments_['events'], int): if self.optional_arguments_['events'] == 0: skip_lines = 3 else: cumulate_lines = 0 for i in range(0, self.optional_arguments_['events']): cumulate_lines += self.num_output_per_event_[i, 1] + 2 skip_lines = 3 + cumulate_lines elif isinstance(self.optional_arguments_['events'], tuple): line_start = self.optional_arguments_['events'][0] if line_start == 0: skip_lines = 3 else: cumulate_lines = 0 for i in range(0, line_start): cumulate_lines += self.num_output_per_event_[i, 1] + 2 skip_lines = 3 + cumulate_lines else: raise TypeError('Value given as flag "events" is not of type ' + 'int or a tuple of two int values') return skip_lines def __skip_lines(self, fname): """ Once a file is opened with :code:`open()`, this method skips the initial header and comment lines such that the first line called with :code:`fname.readline()` is the first particle in the first event. Parameters ---------- fname : variable name Name of the variable for the file opened with the :code:`open()` command. """ num_skip = self.__get_num_skip_lines() for i in range(0, num_skip): fname.readline() def __get_num_read_lines(self): if not self.optional_arguments_ or 'events' not in self.optional_arguments_.keys(): cumulated_lines = np.sum(self.num_output_per_event_, axis=0)[1] # add number of comments cumulated_lines += int(2 * len(self.num_output_per_event_)) elif isinstance(self.optional_arguments_['events'], int): read_event = self.optional_arguments_['events'] cumulated_lines = int(self.num_output_per_event_[read_event, 1] + 2) elif isinstance(self.optional_arguments_['events'], tuple): cumulated_lines = 0 event_start = self.optional_arguments_['events'][0] event_end = self.optional_arguments_['events'][1] for i in range(event_start, event_end + 1): cumulated_lines += int(self.num_output_per_event_[i, 1] + 2) else: raise TypeError( 'Value given as flag events is not of type int or a tuple') return cumulated_lines def __particle_as_list(self, particle): particle_list = [] particle_list.append(float(particle.t)) particle_list.append(float(particle.x)) particle_list.append(float(particle.y)) particle_list.append(float(particle.z)) particle_list.append(float(particle.mass)) particle_list.append(float(particle.E)) particle_list.append(float(particle.px)) particle_list.append(float( particle_list.append(float(particle.pz)) particle_list.append(int(particle.pdg)) particle_list.append(int(particle.ID)) particle_list.append(int(particle.charge)) if self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013Extended' or self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013Extended_IC' or self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013Extended_Photons': particle_list.append(int(particle.ncoll)) particle_list.append(float(particle.form_time)) particle_list.append(float(particle.xsecfac)) particle_list.append(int(particle.proc_id_origin)) particle_list.append(int(particle.proc_type_origin)) particle_list.append(float(particle.t_last_coll)) particle_list.append(int(particle.pdg_mother1)) particle_list.append(int(particle.pdg_mother2)) if self.oscar_format_ != 'Oscar2013Extended_Photons': if not np.isnan(particle.baryon_number): particle_list.append(int(particle.baryon_number)) if not np.isnan(particle.strangeness): particle_list.append(int(particle.strangeness)) else: if not np.isnan(particle.weight): particle_list.append(int(particle.weight)) elif self.oscar_format_ != 'Oscar2013' and self.oscar_format_ != 'Oscar2013Extended' and self.oscar_format_ != 'Oscar2013Extended_IC' and self.oscar_format_ != 'Oscar2013Extended_Photons': raise TypeError( 'Input file not in OSCAR2013, OSCAR2013Extended or Oscar2013Extended_IC format') return particle_list def __update_num_output_per_event_after_filter(self): for event in range(0, len(self.particle_list_)): self.num_output_per_event_[event][1] = len( self.particle_list_[event]) def __apply_kwargs_filters(self, event, filters_dict): if not isinstance(filters_dict, dict) or len(filters_dict.keys()) == 0: return event for i in filters_dict.keys(): if i == 'charged_particles': if filters_dict['charged_particles']: event = charged_particles(event) elif i == 'uncharged_particles': if filters_dict['uncharged_particles']: event = uncharged_particles(event) elif i == 'strange_particles': if filters_dict['strange_particles']: event = strange_particles(event) elif i == 'particle_species': event = particle_species( event, filters_dict['particle_species']) elif i == 'remove_particle_species': event = remove_particle_species( event, filters_dict['remove_particle_species']) elif i == 'participants': if filters_dict['participants']: event = participants(event) elif i == 'spectators': if filters_dict['spectators']: event = spectators(event) elif i == 'lower_event_energy_cut': event = lower_event_energy_cut( event, filters_dict['lower_event_energy_cut']) elif i == 'spacetime_cut': event = spacetime_cut( event, filters_dict['spacetime_cut'][0], filters_dict['spacetime_cut'][1]) elif i == 'pt_cut': event = pt_cut(event, filters_dict['pt_cut']) elif i == 'rapidity_cut': event = rapidity_cut(event, filters_dict['rapidity_cut']) elif i == 'pseudorapidity_cut': event = pseudorapidity_cut( event, filters_dict['pseudorapidity_cut']) elif i == 'spatial_rapidity_cut': event = spatial_rapidity_cut( event, filters_dict['spatial_rapidity_cut']) elif i == 'multiplicity_cut': event = multiplicity_cut( event, filters_dict['multiplicity_cut']) else: raise ValueError('The cut is unknown!') return event # PUBLIC CLASS METHODS def set_particle_list(self, kwargs): particle_list = [] data = [] num_read_lines = self.__get_num_read_lines() with open(self.PATH_OSCAR_, 'r') as oscar_file: self.__skip_lines(oscar_file) for i in range(0, num_read_lines): line = oscar_file.readline() if not line: raise IndexError( 'Index out of range of OSCAR file. This most likely happened because ' + 'the particle number specified by the comments in the OSCAR ' + 'file differs from the actual number of particles in the event.') elif i == 0 and '#' not in line and 'out' not in line: raise ValueError( 'First line of the event is not a comment ' + 'line or does not contain "out"') elif 'event' in line and ('out' in line or 'in ' in line): continue elif '#' in line and 'end' in line: if 'filters' in self.optional_arguments_.keys(): data = self.__apply_kwargs_filters( [data], kwargs['filters'])[0] self.num_output_per_event_[len(particle_list)] = ( len(particle_list), len(data)) particle_list.append(data) data = [] elif '#' in line: raise ValueError('Comment line unexpectedly found: ' + line) else: line = line.replace('\n', '').split(' ') particle = Particle(self.oscar_format_, line) data.append(particle) # Correct num_output_per_event and num_events if not kwargs or 'events' not in self.optional_arguments_.keys(): if len(particle_list) != self.num_events_: raise IndexError( 'Number of events in OSCAR file does not match the ' + 'number of events specified by the comments in the ' + 'OSCAR file!') elif isinstance(kwargs['events'], int): update = self.num_output_per_event_[kwargs['events']] self.num_output_per_event_ = [update] self.num_events_ = int(1) elif isinstance(kwargs['events'], tuple): event_start = kwargs['events'][0] event_end = kwargs['events'][1] update = self.num_output_per_event_[event_start: event_end + 1] self.num_output_per_event_ = update self.num_events_ = int(event_end - event_start + 1) if not kwargs or 'events' not in self.optional_arguments_.keys(): self.particle_list_ = particle_list elif isinstance(kwargs['events'], int): self.particle_list_ = particle_list else: self.particle_list_ = particle_list def set_oscar_format(self): with open(self.PATH_OSCAR_, 'r') as file: first_line = file.readline() first_line = first_line.replace('\n', '').split(' ') if len(first_line) == 15 or first_line[0] == '#!OSCAR2013': self.oscar_format_ = 'Oscar2013' elif first_line[0] == '#!OSCAR2013Extended' and first_line[1] == 'SMASH_IC': self.oscar_format_ = 'Oscar2013Extended_IC' elif first_line[0] == '#!OSCAR2013Extended' and first_line[1] == 'Photons': self.oscar_format_ = 'Oscar2013Extended_Photons' elif len(first_line) == 23 or first_line[0] == '#!OSCAR2013Extended': self.oscar_format_ = 'Oscar2013Extended' else: raise TypeError( 'Input file must follow the Oscar2013, ' + 'Oscar2013Extended, Oscar2013Extended_IC or Oscar2013Extended_Photons format. ') def set_num_output_per_event_and_event_footers(self): with open(self.PATH_OSCAR_, 'r') as oscar_file: event_output = [] if (self.oscar_format_ != 'Oscar2013Extended_IC' and self.oscar_format_ != 'Oscar2013Extended_Photons'): while True: line = oscar_file.readline() if not line: break elif '#' in line and 'end ' in line: self.event_end_lines_.append(line) elif '#' in line and 'out' in line: line_str = line.replace('\n', '').split(' ') event = line_str[2] num_output = line_str[4] event_output.append([event, num_output]) else: continue elif (self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013Extended_IC'): line_counter = 0 event = 0 while True: line_counter += 1 line = oscar_file.readline() if not line: break elif '#' in line and 'end' in line: self.event_end_lines_.append(line) event_output.append([event, line_counter - 2]) elif '#' in line and 'in' in line: line_str = line.replace('\n', '').split(' ') event = line_str[2] line_counter = 0 else: continue elif (self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013Extended_Photons'): line_counter = 0 event = 0 line_memory = 0 while True: line_counter += 1 line_memory += 1 line = oscar_file.readline() if not line: break elif '#' in line and 'end' in line: if (line_memory == 1): continue self.event_end_lines_.append(line) line_str = line.replace('\n', '').split(' ') event = line_str[2] event_output.append([event, line_counter - 1]) elif '#' in line and 'out' in line: line_counter = 0 else: continue self.num_output_per_event_ = np.asarray(event_output, dtype=np.int32) def set_num_events(self): # Read the file in binary mode to search for last line. In this way one # does not need to loop through the whole file with open(self.PATH_OSCAR_, "rb") as file:, os.SEEK_END) while != b'\n':, os.SEEK_CUR) last_line = file.readline().decode().split(' ') if last_line[0] == '#' and 'event' in last_line: self.num_events_ = int(last_line[2]) + 1 else: raise TypeError('Input file does not end with a comment line ' + 'including the events. File might be incomplete ' + 'or corrupted.')
[docs] def particle_list(self): """ Returns a nested python list containing all quantities from the current Oscar data as numerical values with the following shape: | Single Event: [[output_line][particle_quantity]] | Multiple Events: [event][output_line][particle_quantity] Returns ------- list Nested list containing the current Oscar data """ num_events = self.num_events_ if num_events == 1: num_particles = self.num_output_per_event_[0][1] else: num_particles = self.num_output_per_event_[:, 1] particle_array = [] if num_events == 1: for i_part in range(0, num_particles): particle = self.particle_list_[0][i_part] particle_array.append(self.__particle_as_list(particle)) else: for i_ev in range(0, num_events): event = [] for i_part in range(0, num_particles[i_ev]): particle = self.particle_list_[i_ev][i_part] event.append(self.__particle_as_list(particle)) particle_array.append(event) return particle_array
[docs] def particle_objects_list(self): """ Returns a nested python list containing all particles from the Oscar2013/Oscar2013Extended output as particle objects from Particle: | Single Event: [particle_object] | Multiple Events: [event][particle_object] Returns ------- particle_list_ : list List of particle objects from Particle """ return self.particle_list_
[docs] def oscar_format(self): """ Get the Oscar format of the input file. Returns ------- oscar_format_ : str Oscar format of the input Oscar file as string ("Oscar2013" or "Oscar2013Extended") """ return self.oscar_format_
[docs] def num_output_per_event(self): """ Returns a numpy array containing the event number (starting with 1) and the corresponding number of particles created in this event as num_output_per_event[event_n, number_of_particles_in_event_n] num_output_per_event is updated with every manipulation e.g. after applying cuts. Returns ------- num_output_per_event_ : numpy.ndarray Array containing the event number and the corresponding number of particles """ return self.num_output_per_event_
[docs] def num_events(self): """ Returns the number of events in particle_list num_events is updated with every manipulation e.g. after applying cuts. Returns ------- num_events_ : int Number of events in particle_list """ return self.num_events_
[docs] def charged_particles(self): """ Keep only charged particles in particle_list Returns ------- self : Oscar object Containing charged particles in every event only """ self.particle_list_ = charged_particles(self.particle_list_) # for i in range(0, self.num_events_): # self.particle_list_[i] = [elem for elem in self.particle_list_[i] # if (elem.charge != 0 and elem.charge != np.nan)] # new_length = len(self.particle_list_[i]) # self.num_output_per_event_[i, 1] = new_length self.__update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self
[docs] def uncharged_particles(self): """ Keep only uncharged particles in particle_list Returns ------- self : Oscar object Containing uncharged particles in every event only """ # for i in range(0, self.num_events_): # self.particle_list_[i] = [elem for elem in self.particle_list_[i] # if (elem.charge == 0 and elem.charge != np.nan)] # new_length = len(self.particle_list_[i]) # self.num_output_per_event_[i, 1] = new_length self.particle_list_ = uncharged_particles(self.particle_list_) self.__update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self
[docs] def strange_particles(self): """ Keep only strange particles in particle_list Returns ------- self : Oscar object Containing strange particles in every event only """ self.particle_list_ = strange_particles(self.particle_list_) self.__update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self
[docs] def particle_species(self, pdg_list): """ Keep only particle species given by their PDG ID in every event Parameters ---------- pdg_list : int To keep a single particle species only, pass a single PDG ID pdg_list : tuple/list/array To keep multiple particle species, pass a tuple or list or array of PDG IDs Returns ------- self : Oscar object Containing only particle species specified by pdg_list for every event """ self.particle_list_ = particle_species(self.particle_list_, pdg_list) self.__update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self
[docs] def remove_particle_species(self, pdg_list): """ Remove particle species from particle_list by their PDG ID in every event Parameters ---------- pdg_list : int To remove a single particle species only, pass a single PDG ID pdg_list : tuple/list/array To remove multiple particle species, pass a tuple or list or array of PDG IDs Returns ------- self : Oscar object Containing all but the specified particle species in every event """ self.particle_list_ = remove_particle_species( self.particle_list_, pdg_list) self.__update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self
[docs] def participants(self): """ Keep only participants in particle_list Returns ------- self : Oscar object Containing participants in every event only """ self.particle_list_ = participants(self.particle_list_) self.__update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self
[docs] def spectators(self): """ Keep only spectators in particle_list Returns ------- self : Oscar object Containing spectators in every event only """ self.particle_list_ = spectators(self.particle_list_) self.__update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self
[docs] def lower_event_energy_cut(self, minimum_event_energy): """ Filters out events with total energy lower than a threshold. Parameters ---------- minimum_event_energy : int or float The minimum event energy threshold. Should be a positive integer or float. Returns ------- self: Oscar object The updated instance of the class contains only events above the energy threshold. Raises ------ TypeError If the minimum_event_energy parameter is not an integer or float. ValueError If the minimum_event_energy parameter is less than or equal to 0. """ self.particle_list_ = lower_event_energy_cut( self.particle_list_, minimum_event_energy) self.__update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self
def spacetime_cut(self, dim, cut_value_tuple): """ Apply spacetime cut to all events by passing an acceptance range by ::code`cut_value_tuple`. All particles outside this range will be removed. Parameters ---------- dim : string String naming the dimension on which to apply the cut. Options: 't','x','y','z' cut_value_tuple : tuple Tuple with the upper and lower limits of the coordinate space acceptance range :code:`(cut_min, cut_max)`. If one of the limits is not required, set it to :code:`None`, i.e. :code:`(None, cut_max)` or :code:`(cut_min, None)`. Returns ------- self : Oscar object Containing only particles complying with the spacetime cut for all events """ self.particle_list_ = spacetime_cut( self.particle_list_, dim, cut_value_tuple) self.__update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self
[docs] def pt_cut(self, cut_value_tuple): """ Apply transverse momentum cut to all events by passing an acceptance range by ::code`cut_value_tuple`. All particles outside this range will be removed. Parameters ---------- cut_value_tuple : tuple Tuple with the upper and lower limits of the pT acceptance range :code:`(cut_min, cut_max)`. If one of the limits is not required, set it to :code:`None`, i.e. :code:`(None, cut_max)` or :code:`(cut_min, None)`. Returns ------- self : Oscar object Containing only particles complying with the transverse momentum cut for all events """ self.particle_list_ = pt_cut(self.particle_list_, cut_value_tuple) self.__update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self
[docs] def rapidity_cut(self, cut_value): """ Apply rapidity cut to all events and remove all particles with rapidity not complying with cut_value Parameters ---------- cut_value : float If a single value is passed, the cut is applied symmetrically around 0. For example, if cut_value = 1, only particles with rapidity in [-1.0, 1.0] are kept. cut_value : tuple To specify an asymmetric acceptance range for the rapidity of particles, pass a tuple (cut_min, cut_max) Returns ------- self : Oscar object Containing only particles complying with the rapidity cut for all events """ self.particle_list_ = rapidity_cut(self.particle_list_, cut_value) self.__update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self
[docs] def pseudorapidity_cut(self, cut_value): """ Apply pseudo-rapidity cut to all events and remove all particles with pseudo-rapidity not complying with cut_value Parameters ---------- cut_value : float If a single value is passed, the cut is applied symmetrically around 0. For example, if cut_value = 1, only particles with pseudo-rapidity in [-1.0, 1.0] are kept. cut_value : tuple To specify an asymmetric acceptance range for the pseudo-rapidity of particles, pass a tuple (cut_min, cut_max) Returns ------- self : Oscar object Containing only particles complying with the pseudo-rapidity cut for all events """ self.particle_list_ = pseudorapidity_cut(self.particle_list_, cut_value) self.__update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self
[docs] def spatial_rapidity_cut(self, cut_value): """ Apply spatial rapidity (space-time rapidity) cut to all events and remove all particles with spatial rapidity not complying with cut_value Parameters ---------- cut_value : float If a single value is passed, the cut is applied symmetrically around 0. For example, if cut_value = 1, only particles with spatial rapidity in [-1.0, 1.0] are kept. cut_value : tuple To specify an asymmetric acceptance range for the spatial rapidity of particles, pass a tuple (cut_min, cut_max) Returns ------- self : Oscar object Containing only particles complying with the spatial rapidity cut for all events """ self.particle_list_ = spatial_rapidity_cut( self.particle_list_, cut_value) self.__update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self
[docs] def multiplicity_cut(self, min_multiplicity): """ Apply multiplicity cut. Remove all events with a multiplicity lower than min_multiplicity Parameters ---------- min_multiplicity : int Lower bound for multiplicity. If the multiplicity of an event is lower than min_multiplicity, this event is discarded. Returns ------- self : Oscar object Containing only events with a multiplicity >= min_multiplicity """ self.particle_list_ = multiplicity_cut( self.particle_list_, min_multiplicity) self.__update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self
[docs] def print_particle_lists_to_file(self, output_file): """ Prints the current Oscar data to an output file specified by :code:`output_file` with the same format as the input file Parameters ---------- output_file : str Path to the output file like :code:`[output_directory]/particle_lists.oscar` """ header = [] event_footer = '' format_oscar2013 = '%g %g %g %g %g %.9g %.9g %.9g %.9g %d %d %d' format_oscar2013_extended = '%g %g %g %g %g %.9g %.9g %.9g %.9g %d %d %d %d %g %g %d %d %g %d %d' with open(self.PATH_OSCAR_, 'r') as oscar_file: counter_line = 0 while True: line = oscar_file.readline() line_splitted = line.replace('\n', '').split(' ') if counter_line < 3: header.append(line) elif line_splitted[0] == '#' and line_splitted[3] == 'end': event_footer = line break elif counter_line > 1000000: err_msg = 'Unable to find the end of an event in the original' +\ 'Oscar file within the first 1000000 lines' raise RuntimeError(err_msg) counter_line += 1 event_footer = event_footer.replace('\n', '').split(' ') with open(output_file, "w") as f_out: for i in range(3): f_out.write(header[i]) with open(output_file, "a") as f_out: if (self.num_events_ > 1): for i in range(self.num_events_): event = self.num_output_per_event_[i, 0] num_out = self.num_output_per_event_[i, 1] particle_output = np.asarray(self.particle_list()[i]) f_out.write( '# event ' + str(event) + ' out ' + str(num_out) + '\n') if len(particle_output) == 0: f_out.write(self.event_end_lines_[event]) continue elif (i == 0 and len(particle_output[0]) > 20 and self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013Extended'): format_oscar2013_extended = format_oscar2013_extended + \ (len(particle_output[0]) - 20) * ' %d' if self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013': np.savetxt( f_out, particle_output, delimiter=' ', newline='\n', fmt=format_oscar2013) elif self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013Extended' or self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013Extended_IC' or self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013Extended_Photons': np.savetxt( f_out, particle_output, delimiter=' ', newline='\n', fmt=format_oscar2013_extended) f_out.write(self.event_end_lines_[event]) else: event = 0 num_out = self.num_output_per_event_[0][1] particle_output = np.asarray(self.particle_list()) f_out.write( '# event ' + str(event) + ' out ' + str(num_out) + '\n') if len(particle_output) == 0: f_out.write(self.event_end_lines_[event]) f_out.close() return elif (len(particle_output[0]) > 20 and self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013Extended'): format_oscar2013_extended = format_oscar2013_extended + \ (len(particle_output[0]) - 20) * ' %d' if self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013': np.savetxt( f_out, particle_output, delimiter=' ', newline='\n', fmt=format_oscar2013) elif self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013Extended' or self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013Extended_IC' or self.oscar_format_ == 'Oscar2013Extended_Photons': np.savetxt( f_out, particle_output, delimiter=' ', newline='\n', fmt=format_oscar2013_extended) f_out.write(self.event_end_lines_[event]) f_out.close()