Source code for Particle

# ===================================================
#    Copyright (c) 2023-2024
#      SPARKX Team
#    GNU General Public License (GPLv3 or later)
# ===================================================

import numpy as np
import math
from particle import PDGID
import warnings

[docs] class Particle: """Defines a particle object. The member variables of the Particle class are the quantities in the OSCAR2013/OSCAR2013Extended or JETSCAPE hadron output. If they are not set, they stay `np.nan` to throw an error if one tries to access a non existing quantity. If a particle with an unknown PDG is provided, a warning is thrown and and `np.nan` is returned for charge, spin, and spin degeneracy. Attributes ---------- t : float The time of the particle. x : float The x coordinate of the position. y : float The y coordinate of the position. z : float The z coordinate of the position. mass : float The mass of the particle. E : float The energy of the particle. px : float The x component of the momentum. py : float The y component of the momentum. pz : float The z component of the momentum. pdg : int The PDG code of the particle. pdg_valid : bool Is the PDG code valid? ID : int The ID of the particle (unique label of each particle in an event). charge : int Electric charge of the particle. ncoll : int Number of collisions undergone by the particle. form_time : double Formation time of the particle. xsecfac : double Scaling factor of the cross section. proc_id_origin : int ID for the process the particle stems from. proc_type_origin : int Type information for the process the particle stems from. t_last_coll : double Time of the last collision. pdg_mother1 : int PDG code of the mother particle 1. pdg_mother2 : int PDG code of the mother particle 2. status : int Status code of the particle. baryon_number : int Baryon number of the particle. strangeness : int Strangeness quantum number of the particle. weight : float Weight of the particle. Methods ------- t: Get/set t x: Get/set x y: Get/set y z: Get/set z mass: Get/set mass E: Get/set E px: Get/set px py: Get/set py pz: Get/set pz pdg: Get/set pdg ID: Get/set ID charge: Get/set charge ncoll: Get/set ncoll form_time: Get/set form_time xsecfac: Get/set xsecfactor proc_id_origin: Get/set proc_id_origin proc_type_origin: Get/set proc_type_origin t_last_coll: Get/set t_last_coll pdg_mother1: Get/set pdg_mother1 pdg_mother2: Get/set pdg_mother2 status: Get/set status baryon_number: Get/set baryon_number strangeness: Get/set strangeness print_particle: Print the particle as CSV to terminal angular_momentum: Compute angular momentum momentum_rapidity_Y: Compute momentum rapidity p_abs: Compute absolute momentum pt_abs: Compute absolute value of transverse momentum phi: Compute azimuthal angle theta: Compute polar angle pseudorapidity: Compute pseudorapidity spatial_rapidity: Compute spatial rapidity proper_time: Compute proper time compute_mass_from_energy_momentum: Compute mass from energy momentum relation compute_charge_from_pdg: Compute charge from PDG code is_meson: Is the particle a meson? is_baryon: Is the particle a baryon? is_hadron: Is the particle a hadron? is_strange: Is the particle a strange particle? is_heavy_flavor: Is the particle a heavy flavor particle? weight: What is the weight of the particle? spin: Total spin :math:`J` of the particle. spin_degeneracy: Total spin :math:`2J + 1` of the particle. Examples -------- To use the particle class a particle has to be created and the attributes can be set or obtained with the corresponding functions. .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> from sparkx.Particle import Particle >>> >>> particle = Particle() >>> particle.t = 1.0 >>> print(particle.t) 1.0 The class can be used to construct a particle from different input formats. Supported formats include: * "Oscar2013" * "Oscar2013Extended" * "Oscar2013Extended_IC" * "Oscar2013Extended_Photons" * "JETSCAPE" .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> particle_quantity_JETSCAPE = np.array([0,2114,11,2.01351754,1.30688601,-0.422958786,-0.512249773]) >>> particle = Particle(input_format="JETSCAPE", particle_array=particle_quantity_JETSCAPE) Notes ----- If a member of the Particle class is not set or a quantity should be computed and the needed member variables are not set, then `np.nan` is returned by default. All quantities are saved in a numpy array member variable `data_`. The datatype of this array is float, therefore casting is required when int or bool values are required. When JETSCAPE creates particle objects, which are partons, the charge is multiplied by 3 to make it an integer. The functions `is_strange()` and `is_heavy_flavor()` should not be used in this case. """ __slots__ = ['data_'] def __init__(self, input_format=None, particle_array=None): self.data_ = np.array(25 * [np.nan], dtype=float) self.pdg_valid = False if ((input_format is not None) and (particle_array is None)) or ( (input_format is None) and (particle_array is not None)): raise ValueError("'input_format' or 'particle_array' not given") if (input_format is not None) and (particle_array is not None): self.__initialize_from_array(input_format, particle_array) def __initialize_from_array(self, input_format, particle_array): """ Initialize instance attributes based on the provided input format and array. Parameters ---------- input_format : str The format of the input data. Supported formats include: - "Oscar2013" - "Oscar2013Extended" - "Oscar2013Extended_IC" - "Oscar2013Extended_Photons" - "JETSCAPE" particle_array : numpy.ndarray An array containing particle information. Raises ------ ValueError If the input format is unsupported or the array length is invalid. Notes ----- For each supported input format, this method expects a specific order of elements in the particle_array and assigns them to the corresponding attributes of the Particle instance. If the input format is "JETSCAPE," additional attributes (mass_ and charge_) are computed based on energy-momentum and PDG code. If the JETSCAPE class is created with parton output, then the charge is multiplied by 3 to make it an integer. """ # first entry: index in data array # second entry: index in line attribute_mapping = { "Oscar2013": { "t_": [0, 0], "x_": [1, 1], "y_": [2, 2], "z_": [3, 3], "mass_": [4, 4], "E_": [5, 5], "px_": [6, 6], "py_": [7, 7], "pz_": [8, 8], "pdg_": [9, 9], "ID_": [11, 10], "charge_": [12, 11], }, "Oscar2013Extended": { "t_": [0, 0], "x_": [1, 1], "y_": [2, 2], "z_": [3, 3], "mass_": [4, 4], "E_": [5, 5], "px_": [6, 6], "py_": [7, 7], "pz_": [8, 8], "pdg_": [9, 9], "ID_": [11, 10], "charge_": [12, 11], "ncoll_": [13, 12], "form_time_": [14, 13], "xsecfac_": [15, 14], "proc_id_origin_": [16, 15], "proc_type_origin_": [17, 16], "t_last_coll_": [18, 17], "pdg_mother1_": [19, 18], "pdg_mother2_": [20, 19], "baryon_number_": [22, 20], "strangeness_": [23, 21], }, "Oscar2013Extended_IC": { "t_": [0, 0], "x_": [1, 1], "y_": [2, 2], "z_": [3, 3], "mass_": [4, 4], "E_": [5, 5], "px_": [6, 6], "py_": [7, 7], "pz_": [8, 8], "pdg_": [9, 9], "ID_": [11, 10], "charge_": [12, 11], "ncoll_": [13, 12], "form_time_": [14, 13], "xsecfac_": [15, 14], "proc_id_origin_": [16, 15], "proc_type_origin_": [17, 16], "t_last_coll_": [18, 17], "pdg_mother1_": [19, 18], "pdg_mother2_": [20, 19], "baryon_number_": [22, 20], "strangeness_": [23, 21], }, "Oscar2013Extended_Photons": { "t_": [0, 0], "x_": [1, 1], "y_": [2, 2], "z_": [3, 3], "mass_": [4, 4], "E_": [5, 5], "px_": [6, 6], "py_": [7, 7], "pz_": [8, 8], "pdg_": [9, 9], "ID_": [11, 10], "charge_": [12, 11], "ncoll_": [13, 12], "form_time_": [14, 13], "xsecfac_": [15, 14], "proc_id_origin_": [16, 15], "proc_type_origin_": [17, 16], "t_last_coll_": [18, 17], "pdg_mother1_": [19, 18], "pdg_mother2_": [20, 19], "weight_": [24, 20], }, "JETSCAPE": { "ID_": [11, 0], "pdg_": [9, 1], "status_": [21, 2], "E_": [5, 3], "px_": [6, 4], "py_": [7, 5], "pz_": [8, 6], }, } if (input_format in attribute_mapping): if ( len(particle_array) == len( attribute_mapping[input_format]) or ( input_format in [ "Oscar2013Extended", "Oscar2013Extended_IC"] and len(particle_array) <= len( attribute_mapping[input_format]) and len(particle_array) >= len( attribute_mapping[input_format]) - 2)): for attribute, index in attribute_mapping[input_format].items(): if len(particle_array) <= (index[1]): continue # Type casting for specific attributes. Although everything is saved as a float, we will only read in int data for int fields # to ensure similar behaving as if we were reading in data # into ints. if attribute in [ "t_", "x_", "y_", "z_", "mass_", "E_", "px_", "py_", "pz_", "form_time_", "xsecfac_", "t_last_coll_", "weight_"]: self.data_[index[0]] = float(particle_array[index[1]]) elif attribute in ["pdg_", "ID_", "ncoll_", "proc_id_origin_", "proc_type_origin_", "pdg_mother1_", "pdg_mother2_", "status_"]: self.data_[index[0]] = int(particle_array[index[1]]) else: self.data_[index[0]] = int(particle_array[index[1]]) # It is important for JETSCAPE particles to compute pdg_valid # here because the compute_charge_from_pdg function depends on # it. self.pdg_valid = PDGID(self.pdg).is_valid if input_format == "JETSCAPE": self.mass = self.compute_mass_from_energy_momentum() self.charge = self.compute_charge_from_pdg() if self.pdg_valid == False and np.isnan(self.charge): warnings.warn('The PDG code ' + str(int(self.pdg)) + \ ' is not known by PDGID, charge could not be computed. Consider setting it by hand.') else: raise ValueError("The input file is corrupted! " + "A line with wrong number of columns " + str(len(particle_array)) + " was found.") else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported input format '{input_format}'") if (not self.pdg_valid): warnings.warn('The PDG code ' + str(int(self.pdg)) + ' is not valid. ' + 'All properties extracted from the PDG are set to default values.') @property def t(self): """Get or set the time of the particle. Returns ------- t : float """ return self.data_[0] @t.setter def t(self, value): self.data_[0] = value @property def x(self): """Get or set the x-position of the particle. Returns ------- x : float """ return self.data_[1] @x.setter def x(self, value): self.data_[1] = value @property def y(self): """Get or set the y-position of the particle. Returns ------- y : float """ return self.data_[2] @y.setter def y(self, value): self.data_[2] = value @property def z(self): """Get or set the z-position of the particle. Returns ------- z : float """ return self.data_[3] @z.setter def z(self, value): self.data_[3] = value @property def mass(self): """Get or set the mass of the particle. Returns ------- mass : float """ return self.data_[4] @mass.setter def mass(self, value): self.data_[4] = value @property def E(self): """Get or set the energy of the particle. Returns ------- E : float """ return self.data_[5] @E.setter def E(self, value): self.data_[5] = value @property def px(self): """Get or set the momentum x-component of the particle. Returns ------- px : float """ return self.data_[6] @px.setter def px(self, value): self.data_[6] = value @property def py(self): """Get or set the momentum y-component of the particle. Returns ------- py : float """ return self.data_[7] @py.setter def py(self, value): self.data_[7] = value @property def pz(self): """Get or set the momentum z-component of the particle. Returns ------- pz : float """ return self.data_[8] @pz.setter def pz(self, value): self.data_[8] = value @property def pdg(self): """Get or set the PDG code of the particle. Returns ------- pdg : int """ if (np.isnan(self.data_[9])): return np.nan return int(self.data_[9]) @pdg.setter def pdg(self, value): self.data_[9] = value self.pdg_valid = PDGID(self.pdg).is_valid if (not self.pdg_valid): warnings.warn('The PDG code ' + str(int(self.pdg)) + ' is not valid. ' + 'All properties extracted from the PDG are set to nan.') @property def ID(self): """Get or set the ID of the particle. This is a unique number in SMASH. Returns ------- ID : int """ if (np.isnan(self.data_[11])): return np.nan return int(self.data_[11]) @ID.setter def ID(self, value): self.data_[11] = value @property def charge(self): """Get or set the electrical charge of the particle. Returns ------- charge : int """ if (np.isnan(self.data_[12])): return np.nan return int(self.data_[12]) @charge.setter def charge(self, value): # this is for the case a parton is created from the JETSCAPE reader # handle quarks with 3 times the charge to make it integer if np.abs(value) < 1: value *= 3 self.data_[12] = value @property def ncoll(self): """Get or set the number of collisions of the particle. Returns ------- ncoll : int """ if (np.isnan(self.data_[13])): return np.nan return int(self.data_[13]) @ncoll.setter def ncoll(self, value): self.data_[13] = value @property def form_time(self): """Get or set the formation time of the particle. Returns ------- form_time : float """ return self.data_[14] @form_time.setter def form_time(self, value): self.data_[14] = value @property def xsecfac(self): """Get or set the cross section scaling factor of the particle. Returns ------- xsecfac : float """ return self.data_[15] @xsecfac.setter def xsecfac(self, value): self.data_[15] = value @property def proc_id_origin(self): """Get or set the process ID of the particle's origin. Returns ------- proc_id_origin : int """ if (np.isnan(self.data_[16])): return np.nan return int(self.data_[16]) @proc_id_origin.setter def proc_id_origin(self, value): self.data_[16] = value @property def proc_type_origin(self): """Get or set the process type of the particle's origin. Returns ------- proc_type_origin : int """ if (np.isnan(self.data_[17])): return np.nan return int(self.data_[17]) @proc_type_origin.setter def proc_type_origin(self, value): self.data_[17] = value @property def t_last_coll(self): """Get or set the last time of a collision of the particle. Returns ------- t_last_coll : float """ return self.data_[18] @t_last_coll.setter def t_last_coll(self, value): self.data_[18] = value @property def pdg_mother1(self): """Get the PDG code of the first mother particle. Returns ------- pdg_mother1 : int """ if (np.isnan(self.data_[19])): return np.nan return int(self.data_[19]) @pdg_mother1.setter def pdg_mother1(self, value): self.data_[19] = value @property def pdg_mother2(self): """Get the PDG code of the second mother particle. Returns ------- pdg_mother2 : int """ if (np.isnan(self.data_[20])): return np.nan return int(self.data_[20]) @pdg_mother2.setter def pdg_mother2(self, value): self.data_[20] = value @property def status(self): """ Get the hadron status (stores information on the module origin of a JETSCAPE hadron). Returns ------- status : int """ if (np.isnan(self.data_[21])): return np.nan return int(self.data_[21]) @status.setter def status(self, value): self.data_[21] = value @property def baryon_number(self): """Get the baryon number of the particle. Returns ------- baryon_number : int """ if np.isnan(self.data_[22]): return np.nan return int(self.data_[22]) @baryon_number.setter def baryon_number(self, value): self.data_[22] = value @property def strangeness(self): """Get the strangeness of the particle. Returns ------- strangeness : int """ if np.isnan(self.data_[23]): return np.nan return int(self.data_[23]) @strangeness.setter def strangeness(self, value): self.data_[23] = value @property def weight(self): """Get the weight of the particle. Returns ------- weight : float """ return self.data_[24] @weight.setter def weight(self, value): self.data_[24] = value @property def pdg_valid(self): """Get the validity of the PDG code of the particle. Returns ------- pdg_valid : bool """ return bool(self.data_[10]) @pdg_valid.setter def pdg_valid(self, value): self.data_[10] = 1 if value else 0
[docs] def print_particle(self): """Print the whole particle information as csv string. This function prints a header line with the different quantities. All particle quantities are then printed in the next line separated by a comma. """ def int_isnan(value): if np.isnan(value): return np.nan else: return int(value) print('t,x,y,z,mass,E,px,py,pz,pdg,ID,charge,ncoll,form_time,xsecfac,\ proc_id_origin,proc_type_origin,t_last_coll,pdg_mother1,\ pdg_mother2,status,baryon_number,strangeness,weight') print(f'{self.t},{self.x},{self.y},{self.z},{self.mass},{self.E},\ {self.px},{},{self.pz},{int_isnan(self.pdg)},{int_isnan(self.ID)},\ {int_isnan(self.charge)},{int_isnan(self.ncoll)},{self.form_time},{self.xsecfac},\ {int_isnan(self.proc_id_origin)},{int_isnan(self.proc_type_origin)}\ ,{self.t_last_coll},{int_isnan(self.pdg_mother1)},{int_isnan(self.pdg_mother2)},\ {int_isnan(self.status)},{int_isnan(self.baryon_number)},{int_isnan(self.strangeness)},{self.weight}')
[docs] def angular_momentum(self): """ Compute the angular momentum :math:`\\vec{L}=\\vec{r} \\times \\vec{p}` of a particle. Returns ------- angular_momentum : numpy.ndarray Array containing all three components of the angular momentum as :math:`[L_x, L_y, L_z]`. Notes ----- If one of the needed particle quantities is not given, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if np.isnan(self.x) or np.isnan(self.y) or np.isnan(self.z)\ or np.isnan(self.px) or np.isnan( or np.isnan(self.pz): return np.nan else: r = [self.x, self.y, self.z] p = [self.px,, self.pz] return np.cross(r, p)
[docs] def momentum_rapidity_Y(self): """ Compute the momentum rapidity :math:`Y=\\frac{1}{2}\\ln\\left(\\frac{E+p_z}{E-p_z}\\right)` of the particle. Returns ------- float momentum rapidity Notes ----- If one of the needed particle quantities is not given, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if np.isnan(self.E) or np.isnan(self.pz): return np.nan else: if abs(self.E - self.pz) < 1e-10: # Adding a small positive value denominator = (self.E - self.pz) + 1e-10 else: denominator = (self.E - self.pz) return 0.5 * np.log((self.E + self.pz) / denominator)
[docs] def p_abs(self): """ Compute the absolute momentum :math:`|\\vec{p}|=\\sqrt{p_x^2+p_y^2+p_z^2}` of the particle. Returns ------- float absolute momentum Notes ----- If one of the needed particle quantities is not given, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if np.isnan(self.px) or np.isnan( or np.isnan(self.pz): return np.nan else: return np.sqrt(self.px**2. +**2. + self.pz**2.)
[docs] def pt_abs(self): """ Compute the absolute transverse momentum :math:`|\\vec{p}_{\\mathrm{T}}|=\\sqrt{p_x^2+p_y^2}` of the particle. Returns ------- float absolute transverse momentum Notes ----- If one of the needed particle quantities is not given, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if np.isnan(self.px) or np.isnan( return np.nan else: return np.sqrt(self.px**2. +**2.)
[docs] def phi(self): """ Compute the azimuthal angle of the particle. Returns ------- float azimuthal angle Notes ----- If one of the needed particle quantities is not given, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if np.isnan(self.px) or np.isnan( return np.nan else: if (np.abs(self.px) < 1e-6) and (np.abs( < 1e-6): return 0. else: return math.atan2(, self.px)
[docs] def theta(self): """ Compute the polar angle of the particle. Returns ------- float polar angle Notes ----- If one of the needed particle quantities is not given, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if np.isnan(self.px) or np.isnan( or np.isnan(self.pz): return np.nan else: if self.p_abs() == 0.0: return 0. else: return np.arccos(self.pz / self.p_abs())
[docs] def pseudorapidity(self): """ Compute the pseudorapidity :math:`\\eta=\\frac{1}{2}\\ln\\left(\\frac{|\\vec{p}|+p_z}{|\\vec{p}|-p_z}\\right)` of the particle. Returns ------- float pseudorapidity Notes ----- If one of the needed particle quantities is not given, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if np.isnan(self.px) or np.isnan( or np.isnan(self.pz): return np.nan else: if abs(self.p_abs() - self.pz) < 1e-10: denominator = (self.p_abs() - self.pz) + \ 1e-10 # Adding a small positive value else: denominator = (self.p_abs() - self.pz) return 0.5 * np.log((self.p_abs() + self.pz) / denominator)
[docs] def spatial_rapidity(self): """ Compute the spatial rapidity :math:`y=\\frac{1}{2}\\ln\\left(\\frac{t+z}{t-z}\\right)` of the particle. Returns ------- float spatial rapidity Notes ----- If one of the needed particle quantities is not given, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if np.isnan(self.t) or np.isnan(self.z): return np.nan else: if self.t > np.abs(self.z): return 0.5 * np.log((self.t + self.z) / (self.t - self.z)) else: raise ValueError("|z| < t not fulfilled")
[docs] def proper_time(self): """ Compute the proper time :math:`\\tau=\\sqrt{t^2-z^2}` of the particle. Returns ------- float proper time Notes ----- If one of the needed particle quantities is not given, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if np.isnan(self.t) or np.isnan(self.z): return np.nan else: if self.t > np.abs(self.z): return np.sqrt(self.t**2. - self.z**2.) else: raise ValueError("|z| < t not fulfilled")
[docs] def compute_mass_from_energy_momentum(self): """ Compute the mass from the energy momentum relation. This function is called automatically if a JETSCAPE file is read in. Returns ------- float mass Notes ----- If one of the needed particle quantities is not given, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if np.isnan( self.E) or np.isnan( self.px) or np.isnan( or np.isnan( self.pz): return np.nan else: if np.abs(self.E**2. - self.p_abs()**2.) > 1e-16 and\ self.E**2. - self.p_abs()**2. > 0.: return np.sqrt(self.E**2. - self.p_abs()**2.) else: return 0.
[docs] def compute_charge_from_pdg(self): """ Compute the charge from the PDG code. This function is called automatically if a JETSCAPE file is read in. Returns ------- float charge Notes ----- If the PDG ID is not known by `PDGID`, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if not self.pdg_valid: return np.nan return PDGID(self.pdg).charge
[docs] def is_meson(self): """ Is the particle a meson? Returns ------- bool True, False Notes ----- If the PDG ID is not known by `PDGID`, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if not self.pdg_valid: return np.nan return PDGID(self.pdg).is_meson
[docs] def is_baryon(self): """ Is the particle a baryon? Returns ------- bool True, False Notes ----- If the PDG ID is not known by `PDGID`, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if not self.pdg_valid: return np.nan return PDGID(self.pdg).is_baryon
[docs] def is_hadron(self): """ Is the particle a hadron? Returns ------- bool True, False Notes ----- If the PDG ID is not known by `PDGID`, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if not self.pdg_valid: return np.nan return PDGID(self.pdg).is_hadron
[docs] def is_strange(self): """ Does the particle contain strangeness? Returns ------- bool True, False Notes ----- If the PDG ID is not known by `PDGID`, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if not self.pdg_valid: return np.nan return PDGID(self.pdg).has_strange
[docs] def is_heavy_flavor(self): """ Is the particle a heavy flavor hadron? Returns ------- bool True, False Notes ----- If the PDG ID is not known by `PDGID`, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if not self.pdg_valid: return np.nan if PDGID(self.pdg).has_charm or PDGID(self.pdg).has_bottom\ or PDGID(self.pdg).has_top: return True else: return False
[docs] def spin(self): """ Get the total spin :math:`J` of the particle. Returns ------- float Total spin :math:`J` Notes ----- If the PDG ID is not known by `PDGID`, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if not self.pdg_valid: return np.nan return PDGID(self.pdg).J
[docs] def spin_degeneracy(self): """ Get the number of all possible spin projections (:math:`2J + 1`). Returns ------- int Spin degeneracy :math:`2J + 1` Notes ----- If the PDG ID is not known by `PDGID`, then `np.nan` is returned. """ if not self.pdg_valid: return np.nan return PDGID(self.pdg).j_spin