Source code for ParticleObjectLoader

# ===================================================
#    Copyright (c) 2024
#      SPARKX Team
#    GNU General Public License (GPLv3 or later)
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from sparkx.loader.BaseLoader import BaseLoader
from sparkx.Filter import *
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Union, Any

[docs] class ParticleObjectLoader(BaseLoader): """ A loader class for handling particle objects. The ParticleObjectLoader class is responsible for loading and filtering particle objects from a specified list. It provides methods to initialize the loader, apply filters, and set the particle list based on optional arguments. Attributes ---------- particle_list_ : List[List["Particle"]] The list of particle objects to load. optional_arguments_ : Dict[str, Any] A dictionary of optional arguments for loading and filtering particles. num_events_ : int The number of events in the particle list. num_output_per_event_ : List[int] The number of output particles per event after filtering. Methods ------- load(**kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[List[List["Particle"]], int, List[int]] Loads the data from the dummy input based on the specified optional arguments. set_num_output_per_event() -> List[int] Sets the number of output particles per event based on the filters applied. __apply_kwargs_filters(event: List[List["Particle"]], filters_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[List["Particle"]] Applies the specified filters to the event. set_particle_list(kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[List["Particle"]] Sets the particle list based on the filters applied. """ def __init__( self, particle_list: Union[str, List[List["Particle"]]] ) -> None: """ Initializes a new instance of the ParticelObjectLoader class. This method initializes a new instance of the ParticelObjectLoader class with the specified list of particles. It calls the superclass's constructor with the particle_list parameter and then sets the particle_list_ attribute to the particle_list parameter. Parameters ---------- particle_list : list of lists of Particle objects The list of particles to load. Raises ------ TypeError If the particle_list parameter is not a list of lists of Particle objects. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(particle_list, list): raise TypeError( "The particle_list parameter must be a list of lists of Particle objects" ) self.particle_list_: List[List["Particle"]] = particle_list
[docs] def load( self, **kwargs: Any ) -> Tuple[List[List["Particle"]], int, List[int], List[str]]: """ Loads the data from the dummy input based on the specified optional arguments. This method reads the dummy input and applies any filters specified in the 'filters' key of the kwargs dictionary. It also adjusts the number of events based on the 'events' key in the kwargs dictionary. If any other keys are specified in the kwargs dictionary, it raises a ValueError. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict A dictionary of optional arguments. The following keys are recognized: - 'events': Either a tuple of two integers specifying the range of events to load, or a single integer specifying a single event to load. - 'filters': A list of filters to apply to the data. Raises ------ ValueError If an unknown keyword argument is used, if the first value of the 'events' tuple is larger than the second value, if an event number is negative. Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing the list of Particle objects loaded from the dummy input, the number of events, and the number of output lines per event. """ self.optional_arguments_: Dict[str, Any] = kwargs self.num_events_: int = len(self.particle_list_) for keys in self.optional_arguments_.keys(): if keys not in ["events", "filters"]: raise ValueError("Unknown keyword argument used in constructor") if "events" in self.optional_arguments_.keys() and isinstance( self.optional_arguments_["events"], tuple ): self._check_that_tuple_contains_integers_only( self.optional_arguments_["events"] ) if ( self.optional_arguments_["events"][0] > self.optional_arguments_["events"][1] ): raise ValueError( "First value of event number tuple must be smaller than second value" ) elif ( self.optional_arguments_["events"][0] < 0 or self.optional_arguments_["events"][1] < 0 ): raise ValueError("Event numbers must be non-negative") elif "events" in self.optional_arguments_.keys() and isinstance( self.optional_arguments_["events"], int ): if self.optional_arguments_["events"] < 0: raise ValueError("Event number must be non-negative") self.set_num_output_per_event() return ( self.set_particle_list(kwargs), self.num_events_, self.num_output_per_event_, [], )
[docs] def set_num_output_per_event(self) -> List[int]: """ Set the number of output particles per event based on the filters applied. """ self.num_output_per_event_: List[int] = [] for i in range(0, self.num_events_): self.num_output_per_event_.append(len(self.particle_list_[i])) return self.num_output_per_event_
def __apply_kwargs_filters( self, event: List[List["Particle"]], filters_dict: Dict[str, Any] ) -> List[List["Particle"]]: """ Applies the specified filters to the event. This method applies a series of filters to the event based on the keys in the filters_dict dictionary. The filters include 'charged_particles', 'uncharged_particles', 'particle_species', 'remove_particle_species', 'participants', 'spectators', 'lower_event_energy_cut', 'spacetime_cut', 'pT_cut', 'mT_cut', 'rapidity_cut', 'pseudorapidity_cut', 'spacetime_rapidity_cut', 'multiplicity_cut', 'particle_status', 'keep_hadrons', 'keep_leptons', 'keep_quarks', 'keep_mesons', 'keep_baryons', 'keep_up', 'keep_down', 'keep_strange', 'keep_charm', 'keep_bottom', 'keep_top' and 'remove_photons'. If a key in the filters_dict dictionary does not match any of these filters, a ValueError is raised. Parameters ---------- event : list The event to which the filters are applied. filters_dict : dict A dictionary of filters to apply to the event. The keys are the names of the filters and the values are the parameters for the filters. Raises ------ ValueError If a key in the filters_dict dictionary does not match any of the supported filters. Returns ------- event : list The event after the filters have been applied. """ if not isinstance(filters_dict, dict) or len(filters_dict.keys()) == 0: return event for i in filters_dict.keys(): if i == "charged_particles": if filters_dict["charged_particles"]: event = charged_particles(event) elif i == "uncharged_particles": if filters_dict["uncharged_particles"]: event = uncharged_particles(event) elif i == "particle_species": event = particle_species( event, filters_dict["particle_species"] ) elif i == "remove_particle_species": event = remove_particle_species( event, filters_dict["remove_particle_species"] ) elif i == "participants": if filters_dict["participants"]: event = participants(event) elif i == "spectators": if filters_dict["spectators"]: event = spectators(event) elif i == "lower_event_energy_cut": event = lower_event_energy_cut( event, filters_dict["lower_event_energy_cut"] ) elif i == "spacetime_cut": event = spacetime_cut( event, filters_dict["spacetime_cut"][0], filters_dict["spacetime_cut"][1], ) elif i == "pT_cut": event = pT_cut(event, filters_dict["pT_cut"]) elif i == "mT_cut": event = mT_cut(event, filters_dict["mT_cut"]) elif i == "rapidity_cut": event = rapidity_cut(event, filters_dict["rapidity_cut"]) elif i == "pseudorapidity_cut": event = pseudorapidity_cut( event, filters_dict["pseudorapidity_cut"] ) elif i == "spacetime_rapidity_cut": event = spacetime_rapidity_cut( event, filters_dict["spacetime_rapidity_cut"] ) elif i == "multiplicity_cut": event = multiplicity_cut( event, filters_dict["multiplicity_cut"] ) elif i == "particle_status": event = particle_status(event, filters_dict["particle_status"]) elif i == "keep_hadrons": if filters_dict["keep_hadrons"]: event = keep_hadrons(event) elif i == "keep_leptons": if filters_dict["keep_leptons"]: event = keep_leptons(event) elif i == "keep_quarks": if filters_dict["keep_quarks"]: event = keep_quarks(event) elif i == "keep_mesons": if filters_dict["keep_mesons"]: event = keep_mesons(event) elif i == "keep_baryons": if filters_dict["keep_baryons"]: event = keep_baryons(event) elif i == "keep_up": if filters_dict["keep_up"]: event = keep_up(event) elif i == "keep_down": if filters_dict["keep_down"]: event = keep_down(event) elif i == "keep_strange": if filters_dict["keep_strange"]: event = keep_strange(event) elif i == "keep_charm": if filters_dict["keep_charm"]: event = keep_charm(event) elif i == "keep_bottom": if filters_dict["keep_bottom"]: event = keep_bottom(event) elif i == "keep_top": if filters_dict["keep_top"]: event = keep_top(event) elif i == "remove_photons": if filters_dict["remove_photons"]: event = remove_photons(event) else: raise ValueError("The cut is unknown!") return event # PUBLIC CLASS METHODS
[docs] def set_particle_list( self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any] ) -> List[List["Particle"]]: """ Set the particle list based on the filters applied. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Dictionary containing the filters to be applied. The following keys are recognized: - 'events': Either a tuple of two integers specifying the range of events to load, or a single integer specifying a single event to load. - 'filters': A list of filters to apply to the data. Returns ------- list List of particle objects. """ if "events" in kwargs.keys(): if isinstance(kwargs["events"], int): self.particle_list_ = [self.particle_list_[kwargs["events"]]] elif isinstance(kwargs["events"], tuple): event_start = kwargs["events"][0] event_end = kwargs["events"][1] self.particle_list_ = self.particle_list_[ event_start : event_end + 1 ] if "filters" in kwargs.keys(): self.particle_list_ = [ self.__apply_kwargs_filters([event], kwargs["filters"])[0] for event in self.particle_list_ ] return self.particle_list_