Source code for ParticleObjectStorer

# ===================================================
#    Copyright (c) 2024
#      SPARKX Team
#    GNU General Public License (GPLv3 or later)
# ===================================================

from sparkx.Filter import *
import numpy as np
from sparkx.loader.ParticleObjectLoader import ParticleObjectLoader
from sparkx.BaseStorer import BaseStorer
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Union

[docs] class ParticleObjectStorer(BaseStorer): """ Defines a :code:`ParticleObjectStorer` object, which saves particle object lists. This is a wrapper for a list of Particle objects. It's methods allow to directly act on all contained events as applying acceptance filters (e.g. un-/charged particles, spectators/participants) to keep/remove particles by their PDG codes or to apply cuts (e.g. multiplicity, pseudo-/rapidity, pT). Once these filters are applied, the new data set can be accessed as a 1) nested list containing all quantities 2) list containing Particle objects from the Particle class .. note:: If filters are applied, be aware that not all cuts commute. Parameters ---------- None Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs : properties, optional kwargs are used to specify optional properties like a chunk reading and must be used like :code:`'property'='value'` where the possible properties are specified below. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 25 75 * - Property - Description * - :code:`events` (int) - From the input particle object list load only a single event by |br| specifying :code:`events=i` where i is event number i. * - :code:`events` (tuple) - From the input particle object list load only a range of events |br| given by the tuple :code:`(first_event, last_event)` |br| by specifying :code:`events=(first_event, last_event)` |br| where last_event is included. * - :code:`filters` (dict) - Apply filters on an event-by-event basis to directly filter the |br| particles after the read in of one event. This method saves |br| memory. The names of the filters are the same as the names of |br| the filter methods. All filters are applied in the order in |br| which they appear in the dictionary. .. |br| raw:: html <br /> Attributes ---------- num_output_per_event_ : numpy.array Array containing the event number and the number of particles in this event as :code:`num_output_per_event_[event i][num_output in event i]` (updated when filters are applied) num_events_ : int Number of events contained in the particle object list (updated when filters are applied) Methods ------- particle_status: Keep only particles with a given status flag print_particle_lists_to_file: Print current particle data to file with same format Examples -------- Create a Dummy object and access particle data as a nested list >>> from sparkx.Particle import Particle >>> particle1 = Particle() >>> particle1.t = 1.0 >>> ... >>> particle2 = Particle() >>> particle2.t = 1.0 >>> ... >>> particles = [particle1, particle2] >>> dummy = DummyStorer(particles) >>> nested_list = dummy.particle_list() >>> print(nested_list) [[[1.0,...],[1.0,...]]] """ num_output_per_event_: np.ndarray num_events_: int def __init__( self, particle_object_list: List[List["Particle"]], **kwargs: Dict[str, Optional[Tuple[int, int]]], ) -> None: """ Initializes a new instance of the :code:`DummyStorer` class. This method initializes a new instance of the :code:`DummyStorer` class with the specified list of particle objects and optional arguments. It calls the superclass's constructor with the particle_object_list and kwargs parameters and then deletes the :code:`loader_` attribute. Parameters ---------- particle_object_list : list of Particle objects The list of particle objects to store. kwargs : dict A dictionary of optional arguments. Raises ------ None Returns ------- None """ super().__init__(particle_object_list, **kwargs) del self.loader_ def _update_after_merge(self, other: BaseStorer) -> None: pass
[docs] def create_loader( self, particle_object_list: Union[str, List[List["Particle"]]] ) -> None: """ Creates a new :code:`ParticleObjectLoader` object. This method creates a new :code:`ParticleObjectLoader` object with the specified list of particle objects and assigns it to the :code:`loader_` attribute. Parameters ---------- particle_object_list : list of Particle objects The list of particle objects to load. Raises ------ None Returns ------- None """ self.loader_ = ParticleObjectLoader(particle_object_list)
def _particle_as_list(self, particle: "Particle") -> List[float]: """ Converts a :code:`Particle` object into a list. This method takes a :code:`Particle` object and converts it into a list of its attributes. The attributes are added to the list in the following order: t, x, y, z, mass, E, px, py, pz, pdg, ID, charge, ncoll, form_time, xsecfac, proc_id_origin, proc_type_origin, t_last_coll, pdg_mother1, pdg_mother2, baryon_number, strangeness, weight, status. Parameters ---------- particle : Particle The :code:`Particle` object to convert into a list. Raises ------ None Returns ------- particle_list : list A list of the attributes of the Particle object. """ particle_list: List[float] = [ particle.t, particle.x, particle.y, particle.z, particle.mass, particle.E, particle.px,, particle.pz, particle.pdg, particle.ID, particle.charge, particle.ncoll, particle.form_time, particle.xsecfac, particle.proc_id_origin, particle.proc_type_origin, particle.t_last_coll, particle.pdg_mother1, particle.pdg_mother2, particle.baryon_number, particle.strangeness, particle.weight, particle.status, ] return particle_list
[docs] def print_particle_lists_to_file(self, filename: str) -> None: """ Prints the current particle data to a file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file to write to. Raises ------ None Returns ------- None """ with open(filename, "w") as f: if not isinstance(self.particle_list_, list): raise TypeError( "The particle_list must be a list of lists of Particle objects" ) for event in self.particle_list_: for particle in event: # Extract the attributes from the particle object particle_data: List[float] = [ particle.t, particle.x, particle.y, particle.z, particle.mass, particle.E, particle.px,, particle.pz, particle.pdg, particle.ID, particle.charge, particle.ncoll, particle.form_time, particle.xsecfac, particle.proc_id_origin, particle.proc_type_origin, particle.t_last_coll, particle.pdg_mother1, particle.pdg_mother2, particle.status, particle.baryon_number, ] f.write(",".join(map(str, particle_data)) + "\n")
[docs] def particle_status( self, status_list: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...], List[int], np.ndarray] ) -> "ParticleObjectStorer": """ Keep only particles with a given particle status Parameters ---------- status_list : int To keep a particles with a single status only, pass a single status status_list : tuple/list/array To keep hadrons with different hadron status, pass a tuple or list or array Returns ------- self : ParticleObjectStorer object Containing only hadrons with status specified by status_list for every event """ self.particle_list_ = particle_status(self.particle_list_, status_list) self._update_num_output_per_event_after_filter() return self