Source code for ScalarProductFlow

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#    Copyright (c) 2023-2024
#      SPARKX Team
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from sparkx.flow import FlowInterface
import numpy as np

[docs] class ScalarProductFlow(FlowInterface.FlowInterface): """ This class implements a scalar product flow analysis algorithm `Adler, C., et al. "Elliptic flow from two-and four-particle correlations in Au+ Au collisions at s NN= 130 GeV." Physical Review C 66.3 (2002): 034904 <>`__. For this method, the flow is calculated by correlating the event vector :math:`Q` with the conjugated unit momentum vector of the particle. This is normalized by square root of the scalar product of the event vectors of two equal-sized sub-events. We choose here to divide the sub-events by positive and negative pseudorapidity. Note that for asymmetric systems, this will not be sufficient. In summary, this class calculates the following: .. math:: v_n = \\frac{\\langle Q_n u_{n,i}^\\ast \\rangle}{2\\sqrt{\\langle Q_n^aQ_n^{b \\ast}\\rangle}} where we average over all particles of all events. Parameters ---------- n : int, optional The value of the harmonic. Default is 2. weight : str, optional The weight used for calculating the flow. Default is "pt2". pseudorapidity_gap : float, optional The pseudorapidity gap used for dividing the particles into sub-events. Default is 0.0. Methods ------- integrated_flow: Computes the integrated flow. differential_flow: Computes the differential flow. Examples -------- A demonstration how to calculate flow according to the event plane of a separate particle list. The same particle list can also be used to determine the event plane and the flow. .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> from sparkx.Jetscape import Jetscape >>> from sparkx.flow.ScalarProductFlow import ScalarProductFlow >>> >>> JETSCAPE_FILE_PATH_FLOW = [Jetscape_directory]/particle_lists_flow.dat >>> JETSCAPE_FILE_PATH_EVENT_PLANE = [Jetscape_directory]/particle_lists_ep.dat >>> >>> # Jetscape object containing the particles on which we want to calculate flow >>> jetscape_flow = Jetscape(JETSCAPE_FILE_PATH_FLOW).particle_objects_list() >>> >>> # Jetscape object containing the particles which determine the event plane >>> jetscape_event = Jetscape(JETSCAPE_FILE_EVENT_PLANE).particle_objects_list() >>> >>> # Create flow objects for v2, weighted with pT**2 and v3 weighted with pT**2 >>> flow2 = ScalarProductFlow(n=2, weight="pt2",pseudorapidity_gap=0.1) >>> flow3 = ScalarProductFlow(n=3, weight="pt2",pseudorapidity_gap=0.1) >>> >>> # Calculate the integrated flow with error >>> v2, v2_error = flow2.integrated_flow(jetscape_flow,jetscape_event) >>> v3, v3_error = flow3.integrated_flow(jetscape_flow,jetscape_event) """ def __init__(self, n=2, weight="pt2", pseudorapidity_gap=0.): """ Initialize the ScalarProductFlow object. Parameters ---------- n : int, optional The value of the harmonic. Default is 2. weight : str, optional The weight used for calculating the flow. Default is "pt2". pseudorapidity_gap : float, optional The pseudorapidity gap used for dividing the particles into sub-events. Default is 0.0. """ if not isinstance(n, int): raise TypeError('n has to be int') elif n <= 0: raise ValueError( 'n-th harmonic with value n<=0 can not be computed') else: self.n_ = n if not isinstance(weight, str): raise TypeError('weight has to be a string') elif weight not in ["pt", "pt2", "ptn", "rapidity", "pseudorapidity"]: raise ValueError( "Invalid weight given, choose one of the following: 'pt', 'pt2', 'ptn', 'rapidity', 'pseudorapidity'") else: self.weight_ = weight if not isinstance(pseudorapidity_gap, (int, float)): raise TypeError('n has to be int') elif pseudorapidity_gap < 0: raise ValueError( 'pseudorapidity value with gap < 0 can not be computed') else: self.pseudorapidity_gap_ = pseudorapidity_gap def __compute_particle_weights(self, particle_data): event_weights = [] for event in range(len(particle_data)): particle_weights = [] for particle in particle_data[event]: weight = 0. if self.weight_ == "pt": weight = particle.pt_abs() elif self.weight_ == "pt2": weight = particle.pt_abs()**2. elif self.weight_ == "ptn": weight = particle.pt_abs()**self.n_ elif self.weight_ == "rapidity": weight = particle.momentum_rapidity_Y() elif self.weight_ == "pseudorapidity": weight = particle.pseudorapidity() particle_weights.append(weight) event_weights.append(particle_weights) return event_weights def __compute_flow_vectors(self, particle_data, weights): # Q vector whole event Q_vector = [] for event in range(len(particle_data)): Q_vector_val = 0. + 0.j for particle in range(len(particle_data[event])): Q_vector_val += weights[event][particle] * np.exp( 1.0j * float(self.n_) * particle_data[event][particle].phi()) Q_vector.append(Q_vector_val) return Q_vector def __compute_event_angles_sub_events(self, particle_data, weights): # Q vector sub-event A Q_vector_A = [] relevant_weights_A = [] for event in range(len(particle_data)): Q_vector_A_val = 0. + 0.j relevant_weights_A_event = [] for particle in range(len(particle_data[event])): if particle_data[event][particle].pseudorapidity( ) >= +self.pseudorapidity_gap_: Q_vector_A_val += weights[event][particle] * np.exp( 1.0j * float(self.n_) * particle_data[event][particle].phi()) relevant_weights_A_event.append(weights[event][particle]) Q_vector_A.append(Q_vector_A_val) relevant_weights_A.extend([relevant_weights_A_event]) # Q vector sub-event B Q_vector_B = [] relevant_weights_B = [] # count=0 for event in range(len(particle_data)): Q_vector_B_val = 0. + 0.j relevant_weights_B_event = [] for particle in range(len(particle_data[event])): if particle_data[event][particle].pseudorapidity( ) < -self.pseudorapidity_gap_: Q_vector_B_val += weights[event][particle] * np.exp( 1.0j * float(self.n_) * particle_data[event][particle].phi()) relevant_weights_B_event.append(weights[event][particle]) # count+=1 Q_vector_B.append(Q_vector_B_val) relevant_weights_B.extend([relevant_weights_B_event]) return Q_vector_A, Q_vector_B def __compute_u_vectors(self, particle_data): u_vectors = [] # [event][particle] for event in particle_data: u_vector_event = [] for particle in event: u_vector_event.append( np.exp( 1.0j * float( self.n_) * particle.phi())) u_vectors.extend([u_vector_event]) return u_vectors def __compute_event_plane_resolution(self, Q_vector_A, Q_vector_B): # implements Eq.15 from arXiv:0809.2949 QnSquared = np.asarray([(np.conjugate(Q_vector_A[event]) * Q_vector_B[event]).real for event in range(len(Q_vector_A))]) QnSquaredSum = np.mean(QnSquared) return 2. * np.sqrt(QnSquaredSum) def __compute_flow_particles( self, particle_data, weights, Q_vector, u_vectors, resolution, self_corr): flow_values = [] for event in range(len(particle_data)): flow_values_event = [] for particle in range(len(particle_data[event])): weight_particle = np.abs(weights[event][particle]) Q_vector_particle = Q_vector[event] if (self_corr): Q_vector_particle -= weight_particle * \ u_vectors[event][particle] # avoid autocorrelation u_vector = u_vectors[event][particle] vn_obs = (np.conjugate(u_vector) * Q_vector_particle).real flow_of_particle = vn_obs / resolution flow_values_event.append(flow_of_particle) flow_values.extend([flow_values_event]) return flow_values def __calculate_reference(self, particle_data_event_plane): event_weights_event_plane = self.__compute_particle_weights( particle_data_event_plane) Q_vector_A, Q_vector_B = self.__compute_event_angles_sub_events( particle_data_event_plane, event_weights_event_plane) resolution = self.__compute_event_plane_resolution( Q_vector_A, Q_vector_B) Q_vector = self.__compute_flow_vectors( particle_data_event_plane, event_weights_event_plane) return resolution, Q_vector def __calculate_particle_flow( self, particle_data, resolution, Q_vector, self_corr): event_weights = self.__compute_particle_weights(particle_data) u_vectors = self.__compute_u_vectors(particle_data) return self.__compute_flow_particles( particle_data, event_weights, Q_vector, u_vectors, resolution, self_corr) def __calculate_flow_event_average(self, particle_data, flow_particle_list): # compute the integrated flow number_of_particles = 0 flowvalue = 0.0 flowvalue_squared = 0.0 for event in range(len(flow_particle_list)): for particle in range(len(flow_particle_list[event])): weight = 1. if np.isnan( particle_data[event][particle].weight) else particle_data[event][particle].weight number_of_particles += weight flowvalue += flow_particle_list[event][particle] * weight flowvalue_squared += flow_particle_list[event][particle]**2. * weight**2. vn_integrated = 0.0 sigma = 0.0 if number_of_particles == 0: vn_integrated = 0.0 sigma = 0.0 else: vn_integrated = flowvalue / number_of_particles vn_squared = flowvalue_squared / number_of_particles**2. std_deviation = np.sqrt(vn_integrated**2. - vn_squared) sigma = std_deviation / np.sqrt(number_of_particles) return vn_integrated, sigma
[docs] def integrated_flow( self, particle_data, particle_data_event_plane, self_corr=True): """ Compute the integrated flow. Parameters ---------- particle_data : list List of particle data of which the flow is calculated. particle_data_event_plane : list List of particle data for the event plane calculation. self_corr : bool, optional Whether to consider self-correlation in the flow calculation. Default is True. Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing the integrated flow value and the corresponding uncertainty. """ if not isinstance(self_corr, bool): raise TypeError('self_corr has to be bool') resolution, Q_vector = self.__calculate_reference( particle_data_event_plane) return self.__calculate_flow_event_average( particle_data, self.__calculate_particle_flow( particle_data, resolution, Q_vector, self_corr))
[docs] def differential_flow( self, particle_data, bins, flow_as_function_of, particle_data_event_plane, self_corr=True): """ Compute the differential flow. Parameters ---------- particle_data : list List of particle data of which the flow is calculated. bins : list or np.ndarray Bins used for the differential flow calculation. flow_as_function_of : str Variable on which the flow is calculated ("pt", "rapidity", or "pseudorapidity"). particle_data_event_plane : list List of particle data for the event plane calculation. self_corr : bool, optional Whether to consider self-correlation in the flow calculation. Default is True. Returns ------- list A list of tuples containing the flow values and uncertainties for each bin. """ if not isinstance(self_corr, bool): raise TypeError('self_corr has to be bool') if not isinstance(bins, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('bins has to be list or np.ndarray') if not isinstance(flow_as_function_of, str): raise TypeError('flow_as_function_of is not a string') if flow_as_function_of not in ["pt", "rapidity", "pseudorapidity"]: raise ValueError( "flow_as_function_of must be either 'pt', 'rapidity', 'pseudorapidity'") particles_bin = [] for bin in range(len(bins) - 1): events_bin = [] for event in range(len(particle_data)): particles_event = [] for particle in particle_data[event]: val = 0. if flow_as_function_of == "pt": val = particle.pt_abs() elif flow_as_function_of == "rapidity": val = particle.momentum_rapidity_Y() elif flow_as_function_of == "pseudorapidity": val = particle.pseudorapidity() if val >= bins[bin] and val < bins[bin + 1]: particles_event.append(particle) events_bin.extend([particles_event]) particles_bin.extend([events_bin]) resolution, Q_vector = self.__calculate_reference( particle_data_event_plane) flow_bin = [] for bin in range(len(bins) - 1): flow_bin.append( self.__calculate_flow_event_average( particle_data, self.__calculate_particle_flow( particles_bin[bin], resolution, Q_vector, self_corr))) return flow_bin