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The configuration file

Using YAML syntax it is possible to customize in many different ways which and how different stages of the model are run. The file must be structured in sections (technically these are YAML maps at the top-level). Apart from a generic one, a section corresponding to each stage of the model exists. The presence of any section of this kind implies that the corresponding stage of the model should be run. Many sanity checks are performed at start-up and in case you violate any rule, a descriptive self-explanatory error will be provided (e.g. the order of the stages matters, no stage can be repeated, and so on). If you are new to YAML, be reassured, our YAML usage is definitely basic. Each key has to be followed by a colon and each section content has to be indented in a consistent way. In the following documentation you will find examples, too, and they are probably enough to understand how to create your configuration file.

The generic section

There is a generic section that contains general information which is not specific to one stage only. This is called Hybrid_handler and it can contain the following key(s).


This is the name used by the handler to create the folder for the actual run in the stage-dedicated directory. If this key is not specified, a default name containing the date and time of the run is used (Run_YYYY-MM-DD_hhmmss).

Note that, if the --id command line option is used when running the handler, this key will be ignored, the value specified on the command line will be used and a message printed to standard output.

    Run_ID: Cool_stuff_1


This key can be provided only in prepare-scan execution mode and its presence enables the Latin Hypercube Sampling algorithm to generate the combinations of parameters values. Its value refers to the number of desired samples and it must be an integer larger than 1.

    LHS_scan: 10

The software sections

Each stage of the model has a dedicated section. These are (with the corresponding software to be used):

🌪   IC for the initial conditions run (SMASH);

💧   Hydro for the viscous hydrodynamics stage (vHLLE);

🌱   Sampler to perform particlization (Hadron sampler) and

🔥   Afterburner for the last stage (SMASH).

As a general comment, whenever a path has to be specified, both an absolute and a relative one are accepted. However, it is strongly encouraged to exclusively use absolute paths as relative ones should be specified w.r.t. different folders (most of the times relatively to the stage output directory).

Enforced sanity rules

Since the hybrid handler understands which software should be run from the presence of the corresponding section, there are a couple of totally natural rules that are enforced and will make the handler fail if violated.

  1. At least one software section must be present in the configuration file.
  2. Software sections must be specified in order and without gaps. This means that it is not possible to e.g. ask the handler to run the initial condition and the sampler stages.

Keys common to all software sections


Path to the executable file of the software to be used. This key is required for all specified stages.


Path to the software specific configuration file. If not specified, the file shipped in the configs folder is used.


The value of this key is a YAML map and should be used to change values of the software configuration file. It is not possible to add or remove keys, but only change already existing ones. If you need to add a key to the software default configuration file, you should create a custom one and specify it via the Config_file key. Depending on your needs, you could also create a more complete configuration file and change the values of some keys in your run(s) via this key.


This key can only be specified in prepare-scan execution mode.

List of software input keys whose value is meant to be scanned. Each parameter has to be specified concatenating with a period all the keys as they would appear in the Software_keys map. For example, software keys which read

    bar: 42
    baz: 666
would be specified in the Scan_parameters list as "" and "foo.baz". Such a list is a YAML array and therefore it can be specified both in the compact and extended form.

Scan_parameters: ["", "foo.baz"]
 - ""
 - "foo.baz"
Each parameter requires a scan specification

Parameters specified in the Scan_parameters list need to be accompanied by their scan values to be specified in the Software_keys section of the same stage the parameters scan syntax.

🌪   The initial conditions section

There is no specific key of the IC section and only the generic ones can be used.

    Executable: /path/to/smash
    Config_file: /path/to/IC_config.yaml
            End_Time: 100

💧   The hydrodynamics section


The hydrodynamics simulation needs an additional input file which contains the system's initial conditions. This is the main output of the previous stage and, therefore, if not specified, a SMASH_IC.dat file is expected to exist in the 📁 IC output sub-folder with the same Run_ID. However, using this key, any file can be specified and used.

    Executable: /path/to/vHLLE
    Config_file: /path/to/vHLLE_config
        etaS: 0.42
    Input_file: /path/to/IC_output.dat

🌱   The hadron sampler section

Also the hadron sampler needs in input the freezeout surface file, which is produced at the previous hydrodynamics stage. However, there is no dedicated Input_file key in the hadron sampler section of the hybrid handler configuration file, because the hadron sampler must receive the path to this file in its own configuration file already. Therefore, the user can set any path to the freezeout surface file by specifying it in the Software_keys subsection, as shown in the example below.

By default, if the user does not use a custom configuration file for the hadron sampler and does not specify the path to the freezeout surface file via Software_keys, the hybrid handler will use the configuration file for the hadron sampler which is contained in the 📁 configs folder and in which the path to the freezeout surface is set to =DEFAULT=. This will be internally resolved by the hybrid handler to the path of a freezeout.dat file in the 📁 Hydro output sub-folder with the same Run_ID, which is expected to exist. A mechanism like this one is technically needed to be able by default to refer to the same run ID and pick up the correct file from the previous stage. As a side-effect, it is not possible for the user to name the freezeout surface file as =DEFAULT=, which anyways would not probably be a very clever choice. 😅

    Executable: /path/to/Hadron-sampler
    Config_file: /path/to/Hadron-sampler_config
        surface: /path/to/custom/freezeout.dat

🔥   The afterburner section


As other stages, the afterburner run needs an additional input file as well, one which contains the sampled particles list. This is the main output of the previous sampler stage and, therefore, if not specified, a particle_lists.oscar file is expected to exist in the Sampler output sub-folder with the same Run_ID. However, using this key, any file can be specified and used. Note that although it is possible to specify the input for the list modus in SMASH via the Software_keys, this is not allowed here and will result in an error. Always specify the customized input file for the afterburner stage using this key, if needed.


Whether spectators from the initial conditions stage should be included or not in the afterburner run can be decided via this boolean key. The default value is true.


If spectators from the initial conditions stage should be included in the afterburner run, a SMASH_IC.oscar file is expected to exist in the 📁 IC output sub-folder with the same Run_ID. However, using this key any file path can be specified. This key is ignored if Add_spectators_from_IC is set to false.

    Executable: /path/to/smash
    Config_file: /path/to/Afterburner_config.yaml
            Delta_Time: 0.25
    Add_spectators_from_IC: true
    Spectators_source: /path/to/spectators-file.oscar

An example of a complete hybrid handler configuration file

If you wish to run a simulation of the full model using the default behavior of all the stages of the hybrid handler, then the following configuration file can be used.

    Executable: /path/to/smash

    Executable: /path/to/vHLLE

    Executable: /path/to/Hadron-sampler

    Executable: /path/to/smash

This is going to be costly!

Such a configuration file will execute all the modules in production mode, involving a fine hydrodynamic grid and a large statistic of sampled events. It is therefore better suited to be executed on a computer cluster. To test your setup locally, we suggest using the config_TEST.yaml configuration file Predefined configuration files.

What if I want to omit some stages?

Omitting some stages is fine, as long as the omitted one(s) are contiguous from the beginning or from the end. If one or more stages are omitted at the beginning of the model, it is understood that these have been previously run, because the later stages will need input from the previous ones. In such a case, it will be needed to either explicitly provide the needed input file for the first stage in the run or specify the same Run_ID of the simulations already done.